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A kind gesture

I was at the IGA on Sun. Dec. 1st. I wanted to purchase a Christmas tree.

Dear Editor,

I was at the IGA on Sun. Dec. 1st. I wanted to purchase a Christmas tree. I took the coupon from the tree I picked, went to the cashier and was going to pay with my debit. I punched in my pin and it didn’t accept it so I punched it again and it still didn’t accept it. I knew I only had one more chance before it would lock me out. Rather than feel more embarrassed I decided to use my old credit card, after inserting it, I realized I couldn’t remember that pin either. I was having a brain lapse and with the pressure mounting from people waiting in line behind me I decided to move aside and let them go through while I tried to regain my memory. After a couple of minutes the young cashier girl came to me and said “here is your coupon, it’s been looked after”. I said what do you mean it’s been looked after…? She said, “the lady paid for it”. What lady I said?? The lady that was behind you. I looked around and she had already gone, all I saw were a bunch of people looking at me like I was lost which I’m sure at that point I did look lost and bewildered!

Many thoughts and emotions ran through my head. I was a little ashamed and embarrassed that some lady had just paid $40.00 for my Christmas tree and I didn’t even know her name and couldn’t thank her!?

After sitting in my vehicle for a few minutes I regained my composure.

I realized that this is one of those kind, unselfish acts that happens to a person from time to time and that you never forget.

I want to let that lady know that she has spurred me on to double my efforts of kindness towards my fellow human beings and that I will always remember her kind gesture.

You are a wonderful person and I wish you and all your loved ones, happiness, good health and a very Merry Christmas.

Carl Vallieres