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Young curlers on learning curve

They came sweeping in, another year and another batch of young curlers eager to learn the ropes.
Junior Curling Club members learn how to use the scoreboard at their first club session

They came sweeping in, another year and another batch of young curlers eager to learn the ropes.

Ponoka Junior Curling Club has 22 curlers this year; registration night was Nov. 6. The club accepts youths ages 8 to 18.

Right away club volunteers had the curlers jumping into their sliders, stretching and learning the lingo. “Every Wednesday will be learning about curling, some Wednesday’s will be games,” said Cody Moench, head volunteer of the junior program.

While the club allows youths up to 18 years old to take part, Moench says after a few years, when their skills have developed, many join the junior high team. “They can stay in it for as many years as they see fit.”

Along with curling skills, Moench says those who join the junior program learn many other valuable lessons. “They’re getting out and meeting people.”

“To be honest it’s just about having fun. It’ll teach them sportsmanship; this game is based on sportsmanship. It’s all about the honour system,” he added.

At the beginning of February, near the end of the season, both the junior program and the junior high team will participate in a bonspiel. Moench says the junior high curlers will play a full bonspiel while “the junior program will have more of a recreational bonspiel.