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Help for the livestock industry in the new year

As part of the Alberta government’s plan to assist the livestock industry, the second Alberta Farm Recovery Plan II (AFRP II) installment to producers will be available in early 2009. To receive the second installment, all producers need to meet the following requirements:


As part of the Alberta government’s plan to assist the livestock industry, the second Alberta Farm Recovery Plan II (AFRP II) installment to producers will be available in early 2009. To receive the second installment, all producers need to meet the following requirements:

By January 1, 2009:

1.Livestock producers - need to update their current premises identification information with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development or apply for a new premises identification number if you don’t have one.

2.Cow-calf producers - need to age verify their 2008 calf crop by entering birth dates for all calves born in 2008 in the CCIA database. Additional assistance is now available to help producers enter birth dates in the system.

3.Feedlot operators - starting January 1, 2009, all feedlots that feed more than 5,000 animals annually will be required to record animals as they arrive, and report cattle move-in information to the CCIA within seven days. The CCIA tag number for each animal arriving and leaving the feedlot (not going to slaughter) must be reported to the CCIA within seven days.

A compliance form was recently mailed to recipients of the first AFRP II instalment. The form includes a declaration and authorization for Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC) and Alberta Agriculture to verify information. The information will be kept private and protected.

Interesting facts about AFRP II:

1.$300 million dollars was approved for distribution to Alberta producers

2.almost $190 million has been paid out, and $110 million remains available for the second installment

3.$40 million more than expected was provided to producers during the first installment, which means that more Alberta producers received a cheque with no strings attached

4.the remaining $110 million will go to producers who actively participate in Alberta’s livestock and meat strategy by age verifying and completing their premises identification

5.AFRP II was based on information from the AgriStability program but was not limited to those participants

6.producers who were not part of AgriStability are still eligible for AFRP II; only those that were eligible for the first installment of AFRP II will be eligible for the second installment as this is one of the requirements

7.because additional producers came forward, the Alberta government was able to provide even more support to Alberta livestock producers

8.there are about 4,000 new participants in the program

9.about 5,000 existing producers revised their information which resulted in higher payments

AFRP II forms are available at all AFSC and Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development offices throughout the province. Producers who have questions or who need assistance, are asked to contact the Ag-Info Centre toll-free in Alberta at 310-FARM (3276) or visit the Alberta Agriculture website.