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Longhorns showcased in final show and sale

Ponoka continues to attract an array of agricultural events that many may not realize even exist.
These pair of beautiful looking Texas longhorn cattle are paraded around the ring during the futurity event on the weekend at the Calnash Ag Event Centre during the final show in the series on Saturday. The event attracted entries from across western Canada and included a horn measuring competition and an auction sale.

Ponoka continues to attract an array of agricultural events that many may not realize even exist.

One such event was in town over the weekend as the Canadian Texas Longhorn Association (CTLA) hosted its last show in its futurity series. The association also held an auction sale to go along with North American horn measuring event.

“This event is the last in what we call our triple crown futurity series,” explained CTLA president Clinton Bezan from Rimbey.

“Entrants from across the country have taken part in shows earlier this year in Saskatoon and during Red Deer’s Westerner Days before ending the series here. We also were one of the many host measuring sites around North America for the horn showcase.”

Bezan added the horn measuring features a number of categories, but wasn’t sure how many were represented in Ponoka this year as there weren’t as many entries as had been in the past.

What was a big deal this year was the annual show and sale by some of Canada’s top Texas longhorn breeders.

While the regular public might only notice the horn size as being different, Bezan stated there are a few things that has brought people into the business of dealing with this particular cattle breed.

“While everyone notices the horn size, for me it’s about the colour and their temperament that really impressed me when I started in this business,” he said.

“They are very easy going and incredibly intelligent animals, so I think that’s what keeps people coming back to this breed and generating such enthusiasm.”

For more information about the breed or the CTLA, head to their website at