Popular Ponoka florist and gift shop Flowers for You is still open during the COVID-19 pandemic, though it’s adapted to a curbside pickup and delivery system to keep customers safe.
Owner Carol Dunne says the curbside pickup is “unique,” but so far it’s working and people have been patient with the process.
“It’s definitely a different way of doing business,” she said.
Although people aren’t able to come inside to browse the gift ware line at this time, she can try to pick out what people are looking for if they call ahead, and as always, she can offer fresh flowers.
A bouquet is a nice way to brighten someone’s day, and Dunne is happy to be able to provide that.
With being down to just herself from having four staff members before, though, she is quite busy handling all the deliveries and orders herself.
Call in an order and make an appointment for pickup, or Dunne will deliver during her available times. She can take payment over the phone via credit card, or accepts e-transfers.
She hopes to have her gift ware online soon, but for now, is grateful for the continued support of the community.
For the week of Mother’s Day, Flowers for You will be open all week for a side walk sale.