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Anglin for Green Party

Joe Anglin has been in the news for quite some time now and is probably best well known as the victor in the fight for the rights of property owners last year after a struggle with a power line company while he was vice-chair of the Lavesta Group.
Joe Anglin

Joe Anglin has been in the news for quite some time now and is probably best well known as the victor in the fight for the rights of property owners last year after a struggle with a power line company while he was vice-chair of the Lavesta Group.

He was recently named one of Alberta’s ten most influential people of 2007 and has now stepped down from his position in the Lavesta Group to run for the Green Party of Alberta.

“I chose to run because of the activities that happened last summer with the power line,” said Anglin. “I want to continue to fight for the rights of the people. This has resonated with people, we have to keep others accountable. We have lost our sense of democracy and I want to restore it.”

Anglin believes that he has a lot of knowledge that he will bring into politics.

“I have 52 years experience. I know business, politics and dealing with energy related matters. I understand business quite well and know that we need to be smart about what we are doing in our economy.”

One of Anglin’s goals is to take steps to making Alberta environmentally friendly.

“I want to be a leader in energy development of sustainable energy because that’s where the future lies. The big issue is the environment, particularly water. We need strong regulations and more importantly we need to be able to enforce those regulations.”

Anglin believes that health care is also something to give attention to but wants to take it a step further and find ways to prevent people from using the system in the first place.

“Our focus is also on health care and changing it so that we create a good quality of life. We have to promote healthy lifestyles and help prevent people from getting sick. I want to see a health care system versus a sick care system and think that the government is responsible for keeping people healthy.”

Anglin also says that he believes strongly in the goals and ideas of the Green Party.

“I will never tow the party line against my constituency,” he said. “A lot of my values are right down the Green Party line. It’s not rhetoric, I have a track record that I stand up for people. I believe in the Green Party values. I want to be able to represent people, I know that my values match up with the Green Party and I won’t leave my values behind.”

The Green Party of Alberta values grassroots democracy and believes in including the public in decision making processes. The party also upholds the environment and social justice and equal opportunity. The party is focused on long term goals and believe that there is a responsibility to sustain the environment and economy for future generations.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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