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At the age of 73 I finally took the plunge

This week's Hammertime takes on aqua aerobics and its health benefits.

Yours truly has never been much of a swimmer, but finally, at the age of 73 and with the gentle but persistent persuasion of my now retired and fitness recharged wife, I finally agreed to join an Aqua-Aerobics fitness class for seniors. My first session was the toughest, as I shyly ventured out and found a shallow spot feeling a little like a skinny white fish half out of water, but then everyone around me extended a warm welcome, and we got right into our brisk one hour session of splash-stretch-shake and shuffle to the music.

At first, I didn’t think that I was going to survive the first vigorous 15 minutes and was making far too many waves, but once the real nice instructor came over and gave me a few instructions, I got into a slower and less panicky rhythm, relaxed, and started to feel pretty good. Some of the neat excersises that we attempted included: the leap frog jump, skiing, jogging, sit-ups, leg-stretches, football shuffle, jumping jacks and some sort of a twist, and after a few wipe-outs and dandy dunks in the first round, I managed to relax in the water and didn’t do too bad for the rest of the way. When the instructor asked us to ‘go grab our noodles’, I was quite shocked and then I realized that they were those long spongy things that we use to keep us afloat and balanced through the last set of exercises.

After it was all over it was a real treat to shuffle over to the hot-tub for a soothing wind-down and a chit-chat with the rest of that vibrant and friendly bunch of seniors from all walks of life and sizes and shapes. Just like the rest of us, they are out and about having fun at their own speed and choice during so many casual fitness and social sessions that are always being offered for all age groups throughout every community at fitness centres, recreation facilities, and other locations. I know that my wife and I have really caught the ‘fitness bug’ and we will keep joining in on as many activities as we can. Many of the people that we have met tell us that they encourage others to join by car pooling, offering rides, or using the Handy-Van service to get back and forth from their activities.

Let’s have a little fun

*Only in our new era would you hear these daily statements: The internet broke down yesterday so I went downstairs to visit my family, and they really seem like nice people. Oh my goodness, I almost went to the bathroom without my cell phone. Modern age little boy sent to his room utters to parents… ‘I am going to appeal this case all the way to grandma.’

*Sometimes the thoughts in our heads get bored and go for a stroll out of our mouths. The secret to happiness is a good sense of humour, and a bad memory! Don’t miss the CP Holiday train when it stops in Ponoka on Dec. 8 at 5:30 p.m., shop early if you dare, and have a great week, all of you…