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Our body should be the most precious thing that we own

This week's Hammertime looks at taking care of our bodies.

Forget the diamonds, the furs, the fancy vehicles, the palatial homes and all the other fancy toys and perks that we possess, because in the end, it is our body that should be the most precious thing that we own. After all, our body works for us 24-7 for a life-time for no pay and quite often far too much play, and as we have all discovered on many occasions if we don’t treat it right, it may not always perform as we expect it to, especially as it ages.

*Our heart pumps approximately 2000 gallons (7571 litres) of blood through its massive maze of chambers every single day, and is required to beat more than 100,000 times a day to achieve this most incredible feat.

*On average, all of us take around 17,000 breaths a day, and we don’t have to think about a single one of them. Yet, if you want to stop breathing temporarily for swimming, to stop hiccups, or whatever else, we are easily able to do that, because a typical pair of adult lungs is able to hold a huge six liters of air for quite a while.

*Every day our body ensures that we don’t contact cancer thousands of times over by sending special enzymes scuttling around to inspect DNA strands for faults and to fix them before they turn into tumours.

*Did you realize that our brain never stops working, and it is estimated that between 50,000 and 60,000 thoughts pass through it each and every day, which is a whopping total of 35-48 thoughts every minute.

*The cells in our stomach lining produce an alkaline substance every few milliseconds to neutralize stomach acid, and if they didn’t do this your tummy would digest itself, because some of those acids are strong enough to dissolve metals.

*Did you know that we blink about 28,000 times every day, with each one lasting about 1 second? This voluntary reflex is what our body uses to keep the eyes clean and moist, which is very crucial given that 90 per cent of the information we receive is visual, and can justify any vital scene or image in just 0.01 seconds.

*Most of the body’s energy is expelled via heat, and our body produces the same heat as 25 light bulbs over the course of a single day. Is that why we sometimes have hot flashes?? Quick facts: Red blood cells travel around the body in less than 60 seconds and make 1440 trips a day; body cells replenish themselves every 24 hours; we shed more than 1 million skin cells every day; a healthy full scalp contains 100,000 hair treads; and the brain and mouth work together to allow us to speak around 5000 words a day, but not always in synch.

Whatever the case we should always love, pamper, protect, and be very proud of our body, providing it with ample rest, fun times and proper nutrition and diet, enjoying our own choice of exercise and fresh air, taking regular medical check-ups, drinking lots of water to keep it moving. We may not always feel in tip-top shape or the best of moods each and every day, but we must always strive to feel good about ourselves, and then just go ahead and have a great week, all of you.