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Ponoka Fish and Game Club January newsletter

Ponoka Fish and Game Club January newsletter
A photo from the 2019 Ponoka Fish and Game Hunter Education Kids Camp. Photo submitted

January was quiet as we do not usually have much going on other than preparations for getting ready for our annual awards and fund raising banquet. The banquet is held, annually, on the first Saturday in February. Thank goodness the bad cold spell we had moved out before the banquet happened, for a change. According to our banquet chairman, the banquet was sold out again. Its good to have a sold-out event as it helps with the fundraising.

Election of club officers for 2020 was held at the February general meeting with the elected officers remaining the same as last year.

Our next project is bird house building. This event will be held on March 28 starting at 8 a.m. All kids who would like to learn how to build these bird houses are welcome to come. Dale Jess says he will have a hot dog roast at lunch and maybe some dessert too. It is always a fun day and you can keep your bird house if you want.

Our predator chairman, Tim Thorenson, said at the last meeting that timber wolves had been seen in northern Saskatchewan. It appears the wolves may be spreading out to new territories.

We are still shooting trap on Sundays when the weather is not too cold. You better come on out if you would like to stay in practice.

Kids camp is going to be from July 13 to 17. Registration forms will be out on April 1. Contact Ponoka Fish and Game if you are interested in camp this summer. I still see people we had in kids camp 20 or 25 years ago and they ask if we are still having the camps. We must have made an impression on them and they have not forgotten what we taught them.

It’s shaping up to be a very busy year at the club. Volunteers are always welcome as it takes a lot of people to run all of our events. The trap and rifle range are busy all year as everyone likes to shoot. That is one of the favourite things the kids like to do at camp. My grandkids always ask me when they come, when can we go to the range? I only had to take them one time and they were ready to go every time after that.

The Alberta Fish and Game Conference just finished last week but we will have to wait until our club meeting, next week, to find what is on the burner from the delegates that we sent to the conference.

I have to get it in gear and go see if I can find any fish any where. All the reports I have heard are not very good. I guess I will have to go see for myself. So until the next newsletter I remain yours in conservation.

- Submitted by Robert Greene, publicity chairman