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St.A’s fund helps many students in need

In our community, as well as our school community, there are several families who are faced with some sort of adversity which may prevent their children from participating in certain school activities.
Ross Fulton donated his blood at the blood donor clinic held at the Kinsmen Centre on March 19.

In our community, as well as our school community, there are several families who are faced with some sort of adversity which may prevent their children from participating in certain school activities. In spite of this Tara Newton, the school’s personal counsellor, proposed ‘The Good Samaritan Fund’ to the School Board. In September 2006, ‘The Good Samaritan Fund’ was created. The vision for the ‘Good Samaritan Fund’ is:

Christ’s Compassion

Christ has no body now but yours,

No hands but yours, no feet but yours.

Your eyes are the eyes through which Christ’s

Compassion must look out on the world.

Yours are the feet which

He is to go about doing good.

Yours are the hands with which

He is to bless us now.

St. Teresa of Avila

The intention of this fund is to help prevent the exclusion of students from such activities because of financial situations their families must deal with. This makes it so every student has an equal opportunity as their peers, despite circumstances their family may endure.

‘The Good Samaritan Fund’ has received contributions through fundraising events from the school’s clothing drive. In which all the proceeds that were raised went towards the fund. Also, the school has received several donations from: corporate sponsors, the Credit Union, school and parent councils. Also, donations are greatly accepted from those who wish to donate to this very worthy cause. In addition to that, all donations, which are collected remain anonymous and 100 per cent of the proceeds go towards the students. The money that is collected goes towards a variety of activities such as swimming, bussing the students to and from school, art classes, attendance at retreats, and providing students with lunches who may not have a meal.

As long as ‘The Samaritan Fund’ keeps receiving donations, the school will be able to continually enrich the lives of students.

We are very grateful to have an organization that is administrated by people who have such compassion and wish to ensure that every student’s life is filled with some sort of joy, and to reduce any exclusion the child may face due to any hardships. Also, we are very thankful be living in a community that is so generous and caring. Thank you to Mrs. Newton and everyone who has contributed in any way to ‘The Good Samaritan Fund’.