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St. Augustine students shine at awards ceremony

St. Augustine School’s motto, “Let your light shine through” is one that held true Oct. 24 at the awards ceremony for the 2008/2009 academic year.
Student Damian Mulligan

By Jasmine Franklin

St. Augustine School’s motto, “Let your light shine through” is one that held true Oct. 24 at the awards ceremony for the 2008/2009 academic year.

Principal Kevin Prediger smiled during the ceremonies while commenting on how hard working and dedicated the award-winning students are.

Students Damian Mulligan, 17, and Kyle Morrow, 18, however, were two among the bunch with a special light.

Mulligan received two prestigious awards: the first, St. Anne Career and Technology Studies award, STAR Catholic Award, a $10,000 scholarship from EnCana and the Alberta Rutherford Scholarship. The scholarship is to be divided over four years.

“Career and technology has always been my strong point,” Mulligan said. “It was kind of half expected.”

Mulligan studies at Red Deer College for a four-year engineering program.

Morrow, who was present at the awards through Skype (an online video communication), was the recipient of several scholarships including the Millenium, Alberta Rutherford and Dunc Grant Scholarship as well as the St. Thomas division and IODE award. Morrow is studying political science at the St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia.

“I’m very happy and proud,” Morrow said.

Other prestigious awards went to Brandyn Schneider, Superintendents cup; Leah Miedema, Alberta Rutherford Scholarship, and Governor General’s Medal among other awards; Maarten Opsten, Chamber of Commerce Award.