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Parents demand answers

Parents are demanding answers from health officials who are recklessly foisting the HPV virus on young girls, while ignoring increasing reports of injuries and deaths associated with it.

Dear Editor;

Parents are demanding answers from health officials who are recklessly foisting the HPV virus on young girls, while ignoring increasing reports of injuries and deaths associated with it. It hasn’t been forgotten that the giant pharmaceutical Merck, the makers of the HPV vaccine, has a propensity for incompetence as evidenced with thalidymide and Vioxx.

Cancer data shows that the average cervical cancer patient is 47 years of age. Health Canada reports: ‘The median time from acquisition of infection to the development of cervical cancer is greater than 20 years. At most, HPV vaccine trials have only been running six and a half years’ Lacking is evidence of any effectiveness. Cervical cancer is a rare disease, according to the National Institute of Health. ‘ It is responsible for only about one percent of Canadian cancer deaths.’

If the vaccine is safe, then why have there been over 9,700 adverse reactions as of June 30, 2008, reported from the Girasol vaccine, including 18 deaths of young girls, paralysis, blindness, etc?

Contact VRAN, Vaccination Risk Awareness Network

Noteworthy is a report published in the Canadian Medical Assoc. Journal, September 2008, that states that the current HPV vaccine carries a risk of severe allergic reactions that is up to 20 times more likely than any other school-based vaccine”

It is disconcerting to hear Alberta Health Minister Ron Liepert’s stand on the issue is: ‘Alberta schools that decline to take part in a province wide vaccination plan are putting a girl’s health at risk.’

Audrey Jensen