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PM Harper playing tricks

What a great editorial about side-stepping democracy. (Off the Record, Jan. 6.) I don't think Prime Minister Stephen Harper is hijacking democracy, he is making us think.

Dear Editor:

What a great editorial about side-stepping democracy. (Off the Record, Jan. 6.) I don't think Prime Minister Stephen Harper is hijacking democracy, he is making us think. It is not only our elected representatives that must sue the government, it also includes every Canadian who has a dispute with the government. Our elected representatives are powerless and cannot do their job of representing their constituents. We as a people cannot hold discussion with our governments. There is a message that we are not seeing.

Proroguing Parliament a second time should get the message across that if an election is held there probably would not be a majority, So, to combat anything in the future, Harper is stacking the Senate in his favour. Having an equal and elected Senate (Senate reform) is the only way to keep all political parties honest.

Of course, these political parties have shown that their only concern is power. They are trying any trick in the book to get a majority. Knowing that this is going to be hard to come by, let those elected representatives do their job. Give them a free vote on all issues. This sure would keep the party leaders in check and we might be able to see the true concerns of all Canadians.

If there were plans for a snap election without this suspension, then Harper has rewarded his new loyal followers with a pension. Four years will have expired and that is all they need to collect.

Canada is a great country and there is opportunity to capitalize. But we can't make it appear like what our neighbours are doing. Parties have slashed them simply to get votes. We must start hearing from everyone in this country and it must be fair and open.

We have men and women giving their lives hoping that we can see what surrounds us and what we must protect. We all must get along, and we are the only ones who can implement change.

Dennis Chernick