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POEM: Miracles in anticipation of Easter

A Ponoka News reader speaks to Easter through poetry

The joint at the end of the pinky

of my left hand,

is an incredible invention,

created by nature over a timeframe,

that is impossible for the human mind to fathom.

And yet beyond that joint

are two others,

all on the pinky of my left hand.

That is only the beginning.

I have not yet even contemplated the next finger

or the next two beyond that,

before I come to the thumb of that hand,

all on the less dominant hand

of the two hands I use.

The thumb and the pointer finger of my left hand create miracles,

of fine dexterity,

picking up crumbs or pinpoint particles of dirt,

if I choose.

But picking up crumbs and particles of dirt is ultimately the specialty of my dominant hand,

which often acts with only the mere

glimmer of a thought.

The production of complex,

minuscule, electrical signals from my brain,

likely close to the speed of light,

is of itself beyond imagination.

Miracles like that are created micro second after micro second,

yet we often bemoan the absence of wonder,

which in reality is at our finger tips.

George Jason