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Residents not pleased with results of annexation meeting

Dear Editor;

This letter is to clarify our position on the planned annexation of our lands by the Town of Ponoka.

There are 163 people and 32 quarters of land involved that is 21 full quarters and 11 partial quarters.

The majority of those affected are strongly opposed to this plan.

The facts are the town has already annexed land in 1951, 1969, 1979 and 2004 that they haven’t developed yet. There is plenty of land that by their own standards should last for many years to come.

We the affected landowners were asked by letter to attend a meeting by the town to discuss their plan of annexation.

Their agenda was: 1. Introduction of town and county representatives

2. A map was shown of the area they wished to annex

3. After discussion of number two we would be given a chance for a comment or one question.

4. The meeting was to close at 8:30 p.m.

There were several good questions posed, however, some weren’t answered, others evasive. We know many came away from the meeting confused and disillusioned, us included.

We have a question among many. Why would the Town of Ponoka invite us to a meeting of this importance and not give us more time to express our concerns and ask more than one question?

We felt pressured and upset trying to rush through something that was very important to is.

Two issues emerged from this meeting.

The Town offered us their water and sewage hook-ups. We don’t want them as we have our own services paid for and maintained by us. Why should we be forced to pay for services we don’t want?

A question was raised concerning paying us their transfer station for our garbage disposals.

The Town responded by telling us they could issue us a ticket or permit that would allow us free passage into their transfer station. We aren’t clear how this would work and however; our taxes pay the County for free access to our own transfer station.

Why would we County residents want either of these proposals from the Town?

We are of the conclusion that the Town wants only our taxes-plain and simple. They offer nothing in return.

When the town was looking for a new motto-instead of “Ponoka Alright!” We have a new one “Treat Your People Right!”

Les and Norma Lloyd
