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Annual Tipi Village extends hours during Ponoka Stampede Week

The Tipi Village will be set up in the ball diamonds area behind the Ponoka Arena Complex (4410 54 St.) during Stampede Week
(File photo)

As Ponoka Stampede Week approaches, Tipi Village is extending its event hours to accommodate as many visitors as possible.

The four-day event will run from noon to 8 p.m. daily from Tuesday to Friday, June 25 to June 28, according to a release.

As part of National Indigenous History Month and in the spirit of reconciliation, the Town of Ponoka is excited to help facilitate the return of the Third Annual Tipi Village to Ponoka during Stampede Week.

The event is being hosted by Louis Bull Tribe with participation by members of the Ermineskin Cree Nation, Samson Cree Nation, and Montana First Nation.

Each day, the Tipi Village will feature the following:

• A Grand Entry 

• Greetings and speeches from elders and neighbouring First Nations 

• A powwow showcase 

• Indigenous storytelling

• Indigenous artwork and culture

• Tipi Village visitors can stroll through the tipis and talk with elders.

READ MORE: Ponoka Stampede: Enjoy cultural enrichment at Annual Tipi Village

The village will be set up in the ball diamonds area (Diamond 2) behind the Ponoka Arena Complex (4410 54 St.) across from the Stampede grounds and will be open to the public (weather permitting).

There is no entry fee to attend the event and free parking will be available at the Ponoka Arena Complex.

“The Town of Ponoka is very excited that the Tipi Village event will be returning to our community during Stampede Week again this year,” said Ponoka Mayor Kevin Ferguson.

“It’s a great way to experience the Ponoka Stampede and celebrate Indigenous History Month with our neighbours.”

Ponoka News is your source for all things Ponoka Stampede leading up to and during Stampede Week June 25 to July 1. Find more Ponoka Stampede stories here.