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Beat the heat in Ponoka July 9 at pop-up spray park

The fire department will be on site from 7 to 9 p.m. at Lucas Heights Park
Franziska Hefti gives a piggyback ride to her son Alex, three, during the pop up splash park at Westview Park July 28, 2020.

Due to temperatures forecasted to reach 30 degrees Celsius this week, the Ponoka County Regional Fire Services is holding a pop-up spray park in Lucas Heights Park tomorrow, July 9.

The fire department will be on site from 7 to 9 p.m. at Lucas Heights Park, located at 59 St., just off 61 Ave. 

In a Facebook post, the Town of Ponoka said the pop-up spray park will "offer some welcome relief and help offset demand at the Lions Centennial Park splash park."