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Ponoka Communty Market up and running in new digs

The market is now running out of the Tommy Dorchester building on the Stampede grounds
Sherry Hornett, Ponoka Community Market manager, presents Tim Rowland of the Ponoka Arts, Recreation, and Cultural Society (PARCS) with a cheque for $10,179. The market is now running out of the Tommy Dorchester building on the Stampede grounds. (Facebook photo)

Organizers of the Ponoka Community Market are thrilled to have settled into their new location on the Ponoka Stampede grounds.

As of June 10, the market - which runs Mondays from 3 to 7 p.m. and is heading into its eighth year - is set up in the Tommy Dorchester building. 

In a social media post this past March, the market, which had been using the old library, said they would be looking for a new home as a result of that building's sale. 

"Our first market here was awesome," said Debbie Lamey, the market's assistant manager.

"It was so nice to see everybody. We have outside vendors, we have our vegetable truck, our food truck, and hopefully, we will (soon) have our fruit truck here, too," she said.

"We are so lucky to be a part of this community because they support us very well."

Lamey said that she and Sherry Hornett have also switched roles - Lamey is now the market's assistant manager and Hornett has taken on the manager role.

"She will be running the market, and I'll be here to help her - it's been working out famously. It's wonderful."

Lamey said she's hoping to see the annual Penny Carnival run this year as well.

"It's such a hit - the kids love it."

She encouraged folks to watch for news about that event on the market's social media.

In other market news, a $10,179 donation was made to the Ponoka Arts, Recreation, and Cultural Society (PARCS) on behalf of the Ponoka Community Market this week. 

Hornett presented Tim Rowland of PARCS with the cheque on June 10.

The funds will help PARCS build a new field house, which would offer a year-round space for field sports and become a hub for local sporting activities.

Meanwhile, for more information about the Ponoka Community Market or to book a space, call Sherry Hornett at 403-704-7523.








Mark Weber

About the Author: Mark Weber

I've been a part of the Black Press Media family for about a dozen years now, with stints at the Red Deer Express, the Stettler Independent, and now the Lacombe Express.
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