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Ponoka crews busy clearing snow

Town updates residents on snow removal plans and areas for clearing.

Heavy snowfall has kept Town of Ponoka snow clearing crews busy.

All available snow and ice control equipment is in use, states a press release from the town. The release also points out the zones that town crews are working on, with main ‘Priority 1 Routes’ as the first priority.

“Once snow removal on Priority 1 Routes is complete, crews will work on Priority 2 Routes and the Airport runway and taxiway,” it states.

The downtown area has already been cleared and town crews are sanding and salting where needed.

Residential areas

If environmental conditions improve, town crews will then start tackling the residential zones in Ponoka.

“When snow clearing on residential roadways commences, they are cleared on a rotational basis according to zones: Zone 1 – Lucas Heights; Zone 2 – North End; Zone 3 – Central District; Zone 4 – Riverside,” states the release.

Despite the recent snowfall, parking bans on snow removal routes are not anticipated.

“When parking bans are deemed necessary, ‘No Parking – Snow Removal’ signs are generally posted approximately 24 to 48 hours prior to snow removal operations beginning.”

For further updates on parking or residential snow clearing, check or through social media channels.

“Some roads may be icy and snow covered, especially in residential areas. Motorists are encouraged to slow down and drive for winter conditions.”

Sidewalks need snow clearing

Ponoka residents are reminded to please keep all sidewalks that border their property clear of snow and ice.

“Keeping your sidewalk shovelled helps protect your neighbours and others from slipping and falling,” says Town of Ponoka manager of operations, Chris McKenna.

Sidewalk clearing and parking away from parking banned routes is a requirement under the town’s bylaws.

“Moving parked cars from the roadway during parking bans also ensures more effective and efficient snow removal, saving time and money,” says McKenna.

While town crews clear snow off residential streets, the release states at times there may be a need for residents to clear their driveways.

“Town winter operations crews work in conjunction with the Alberta Ministry of Transportation, which is responsible for snow and ice control on Highways 2A and 53.”
