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Ponoka students selected to take part in summit aiming to shape ‘tomorrow’s scientists’

Regenerate Forest and Wildlife Youth Summit to be held March 7 -10 in Canmore
Students engage with a presenter at a previous Regenerate Summit. (Web photo/

The BRICK Learning Centre has been selected to take part in a unique learning opporunity.

Four Ponoka students and two teachers will attend Inside Education’s four-day Regenerate Forest and Wildlife Youth Summit from March 7 to 10, in Canmore, Alta.

The summit is bringing together students and teachers from 20 particiapting schools from across the province, industry experts, government, academia, NGOs and Indigenous leaders to explore the science, technology, issues and career paths related to Alberta’s forests and wildlife.

According to a press release from Inside Education, the organization had a record-setting number of applications from high schools to take part in the summit, the 13th the environmental and natural resource charity has hosted since is was founded almost 40 years ago.

“Young people are eager to engage with the real-world innovations that are setting our province and country on a path to a more sustainable future,” said Inside Education program director Kathryn Wagner in the release.

The mutli-faceted summit promises to give participants an “unparralled opporunity,” with field-based tours, interactive learning activities, hands-on workshops and face-to-face discussions with a diverse group of natural resource experts.

Themes to be addressed include ustainable forest management, forestry innovations and climate change, wildlife and habitat research, careers in forests and sustainability, current and emerging issues and school and community-based action.

The keynote speaker will be Colin Angus, an adventurer, filmaker and author.

Inside Education anticipates students will be challenged to take what they learn at the summit and use it to positively impact their peers, schools and communities.

Each school selected will be sending four stidents and two teachers to the event.

“The Regenerate Summit will allow the 80 students — tomorrow’s scientists, leaders and decision-makers — an unmatched opportunity to connect with Alberta’s forests, wildlife and the activities today that will positively impact their future,” said Wagner.

Inside Education claims to be Alberta’s largest environmental and natural resource education charity, working with K-12 school teachers across the province to provide leanring opportunities about environmental, economic and societal sustainability.

For more information, visit