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Riflemans Rodeo coming up

By Robert Greene Publicity Chairman

By Robert Greene Publicity Chairman

It’s rodeo time again. Riflemans Rodeo that is. Time to get tuned up for the coming hunting season and this is a fun way to do it.

The Rodeo starts on Aug. 31 and runs through Sept. 2, which is Labour Day weekend. There is an event for everyone from the young to the aged ones.

There will be a roast pig supper and you need to get your tickets early so the cook will know how big of a pig to fix.

A reminder to all hunters that you need to make sure that all of your licenses and permits are up-to-date before you go into the hunting season. There are always some changes to the regulations, so get a hunting guide and check for new changes beforehand.

Our regular summer events went well despite the rainy couple of months we had. We did not need to do any watering even though some places got more than the soil could absorb.

Also, our club is scheduled for a casino on the Labour Day weekend. Our chairperson says she has enough volunteers for that so thanks in advance to all of you for your help.

Trap shooting will continue for another month or so depending on how our weather holds out. Everyone I speak to feels like this has been a short summer. Our best weather seemed to be in May. Oh well, this is Alberta after all.

There are still some dates booked for rentals as the season draws down.

Time to start thinking about things for the next seasons events.

See you soon.

-Submitted by Ponoka Fish and Game Association

Emily Jaycox

About the Author: Emily Jaycox

I'm a reporter for Ponoka News and have lived in Ponoka since 2015.
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