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Alberta RCMP enforcing over holiday long weekend

This Thanksgiving weekend, Alberta RCMP Traffic is carrying out enforcement initiatives from Oct. 7-10 targeting impaired driving due to drugs, alcohol, distracted driving, and more. These province-wide initiatives are in support of #OperationImpact2022 — an annual awareness campaign organized by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) to promote safe driving practices.
(Metro Creative Connection)

This Thanksgiving weekend, Alberta RCMP Traffic is carrying out enforcement initiatives from Oct. 7-10 targeting impaired driving due to drugs, alcohol, distracted driving, and more. These province-wide initiatives are in support of #OperationImpact2022 — an annual awareness campaign organized by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) to promote safe driving practices.

Last year, there were unfortunately five fatalities and 74 injuries as a result of 53 motor vehicle collisions in Alberta RCMP jurisdictions over the Thanksgiving long weekend.

We ask all motorists to remember the following before taking to the roads:

· Stay sober. Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol impairs your judgment and reaction time. Impaired driving is criminal and dangerous.

· Don’t drive drowsy. Getting behind the wheel fatigued limits your ability to pay attention to the road.

· Keep your hands on the wheel. Texting, or handling other devices on your dashboard while driving, forces you to take your eyes off the road. Pre-set your hands-free device, GPS, radio or music and do not make adjustments unless the vehicle is stopped.

· Pull over and put it in park. If you need to text, make a call, or engage in any distracting activity, pull over where it is safe to do so and park your vehicle. Simply coming to a stop at a red light is not safe and is still considered distracted driving.

· Buckle up. Ensure all vehicle occupants are properly restrained using seat belts or child car seats.

Operation Impact’s theme this year is Put Your Best Foot Forward – asking motorists to put the brakes on driving behaviours that put road users at risk. If you witness any dangerous driving or a possible impaired driver this holiday weekend, please call 911. For more traffic safety information, follow us on Facebook @RCMPinAlberta and Twitter @RCMPAlberta.

Emily Jaycox

About the Author: Emily Jaycox

I'm a reporter for Ponoka News and have lived in Ponoka since 2015.
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