It was a perfect weekend for the 27th annual Ponoka Vintage Rally and Tailgate Swap Meet held this past weekend at the Stampede Grounds.
The event celebrated 100 years of BMW: 1923 to 2023.
Highlights of the event included a potluck supper on Friday, a full-course dinner on Saturday, a show and shine, a poker rally, a Sunday breakfast, jeopardy, and the handing down of some awards.
“There were about 150 registrants and guests. We had a German-themed supper on Saturday night, too, which was done by Bob Ronnie. It turned out really well,” said Bill Hoar, one of the event’s organizers.
He noted there were lots of familiar faces but new folks took in the rally as well. Visitors from as far away as Toronto who were in the area heard of the rally and made a point to stop by, he said.
“We also had great weather — that’s always a plus when you are dealing with bikes!”