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Puppies with parvo recovering, isolated

Local kennel could use some donations to weather COVID-19
Jack and Janet have now recovered from Parvo but will remain in isolation for another two weeks, so can not be seen and are not adoptable at this time. Photo submitted

Sadly, one of the three puppies Old MacDonald Kennels rescued from an animal hoarder has died of parvo, though the other two have recovered and remain in isolation.

Kennel owner Martine Huyssoon says the puppies came from a “terrible” situation and were found to have the canine parvovirus after they arrived.

Thankfully, due to the shelter’s protocols of always isolating new puppies, no other dogs were ever in any danger of contracting the highly contagious virus.

“They were never in the main building,” said Huyssoon.

“A shelter’s worst nightmare is parvo.”

After the first puppy was taken to the vet and didn’t make it, the other two pups, Jack and Janet, started to show symptoms and were taken to the Animal Emergency Hospital in Red Deer for treatment.

After two nights with IV fluids, they improved and are now back at Old MacDonald.

However, the pups will be in isolation for another two weeks. They can’t be seen by the public yet and are not adoptable at this time.

Parvo is a virus, preventable by vaccination, that causes vomiting and diarrhea so severe that it often requires veterinary intervention to get a dog rehydrated before it becomes fatal.

With public health restrictions around COVID-19 easing up, the shelter is able to have members of the public who wish to volunteer as dog walkers come back to the kennel, but Huyssoon warns the dogs they have now will need firm direction.

Although the shelter does not usually ask for donations, it’s main source of income is boarding and that is still fairly slow with people not travelling much yet.

Puppy food is most welcome, and fleece blankets are also needed. Gift cards to Central Veterinary Clinic are especially appreciated, as they go towards vet bills any of the animals may have.

Monetary donations can be given by sending an e-transfer to

Ponoka County pet owners holding on to fur babies for now

Emily Jaycox

About the Author: Emily Jaycox

I'm a reporter for Ponoka News and have lived in Ponoka since 2015.
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