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Resolutions for a happy and healthy 2009

A new year signifies new goals, new challenges and new beginnings. It’s a time for reflection, but it is also time to plan ahead for a better year. Implementing small changes can build self-esteem, lead to new friendships and even help you live a fuller, healthier life. The following three simple resolutions will have you feeling healthy and happy in 2009.

(NC)—A new year signifies new goals, new challenges and new beginnings. It’s a time for reflection, but it is also time to plan ahead for a better year. Implementing small changes can build self-esteem, lead to new friendships and even help you live a fuller, healthier life. The following three simple resolutions will have you feeling healthy and happy in 2009.

Eat right and be active. Whether your goal is weight management or simply living a healthier lifestyle, eating healthy foods and getting regular exercise will help you look and feel great. Get started right with a plan, such as the Special K Challenge, that combines daily exercise with eating low fat foods such as Special K cereal and bars. “It’s important to identify your exercise personality and interests”, says Eva Redpath, fitness expert and personal trainer. “Whether it is group exercise, playing sports, or working out at home, there are plenty of interesting and fun ways to stay fit.”

Learn something new. Want to learn a new language? Or tackle a home improvement project? Whether you decide to take a course or read a book, the New Year is the perfect time to start doing the things you have been putting on the back burner.

Make time for yourself, friends and family. A simple step to a fulfilling New Year is spending time with loved ones. Life can get busy, so make time for your friends and family by setting regular dates in advance. Take dance lessons with a friend or set aside Sunday afternoons for a family baseball or football league. Friends and family are important, but make sure you don’t forget about yourself. Take up a hobby that means something special to you. Incorporate daily walks into your schedule to ensure quiet time with your own thoughts. Spending time on your own every now and then allows you to unwind, refresh and refocus on life’s daily tasks.

Additional tools, tips and articles geared towards helping you improve your health and happiness can be found online at

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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