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Samson Cree have new chief

Samson Cree nation elected a new chief last week, replacing incumbent Martin Yellowbird with Kurt Buffalo, one of the 12 candidates

Samson Cree nation elected a new chief last week, replacing incumbent Martin Yellowbird with Kurt Buffalo, one of the 12 candidates who put forward their names in the poll that took place on Tuesday, Feb. 11.

Buffalo won the tight race with a majority of only four votes, with 259 against the 255 of the runner-up Vern Saddlebeack.

The new chief was not available for any comments immediately after his election.

As Ponoka News went to print on Tuesday, the list of candidates for the election of the Samson Cree band council  was being finalized.

The vote for the new council members will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 25.