Citizens can now view the Town of Ponoka 2022 Citizen Satisfaction Survey results on the Town’s public engagement website called Let’s Talk Ponoka at
The Citizen Satisfaction Survey is a statistically-valid survey that was conducted by a professional research firm earlier this fall to determine the views of Ponoka citizens on topics such as:
• Quality of life in the community;
• Satisfaction levels with municipal services; and
• Priorities that citizens would like council to consider when making decisions.
Commitment to public engagement
As part of the town’s ongoing commitment to public engagement, survey results from the Citizen Satisfaction Survey were accepted by Town Council for careful review and consideration before deliberating the 2023 Town of Ponoka Budget last month.
The Citizen Satisfaction Survey followed a careful survey process and methodology to achieve survey results that are statistically valid and represent the views of the community as a whole. This process included randomly selecting a representative sample of Ponoka citizens (401 people) who were contacted by telephone to complete the survey.
The survey results provide Town Council with a summary of citizens’ views on key topics to help inform Town decision making and strategic planning.
Citizen Input Survey
To ensure that all Ponoka citizens had an opportunity to provide input for council consideration on the 2023 Budget, the Town of Ponoka also conducted a Citizen Input Survey this fall. The results of the Citizen input Survey along with other public consultation activities on the 2023 Town Budget are also posted on the Let’s Talk Ponoka website at
The Citizen Satisfaction Survey and the Citizen Input Survey align with the Town’s Public Participation Policy and Council’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan.