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Wolf Creek Public Schools approves field trips



Wolf Creek Public Schools had a full agenda on June 21, listening to students present as well as approving various field trips.

Environmental presentation

The school board heard students from various schools make a presentation and speak about the environment and climate change.

“They brought together some good data and surveys and really put together a nice presentation,” said Supt. Larry Jacobs.

The board heard five groups of students who presented as a part of a project-based research assignment for class.

“It not only shows the level of their understanding of the issue of the environment,” said Jacobs. “But the other good side of it is that we’re moving forward in our jurisdiction and utilizing a different learning formula and project-based learning is an example of that.”

Board plans for 2011 – 2012 domestic violence initiative

Wolf Creek trustees discussed funding for the 2011 – 2012 school year and the funding associated with the domestic violence initiative.

Last year, the board set aside $35,000 to allow school communities to access an awareness campaign directed toward domestic violence and the effect that it has on children.

The funding, which was meant to be spread out over two school years, now sits at somewhere between $15,000 and $20,000 for the remaining school year.

The board will discuss later in the fall how to use the remaining money.

Rimbey Jr/Sr High field trip approved

As part of the rules for the board, all out of country field trips must be approved by administration.

Rimbey Jr./Sr. High School was successful in their bid to go to travel abroad for a marine biology-based field trip to Mexico.

The school has been teaching a marine biology course for the last four years and as a part of it, students are given the opportunity to scuba dive and learn about life undersea first-hand.

“The location in Mexico allows the students to be warm and comfortable in the water and they will also be able to see the marine habitat very clearly due to the clear water,” said Jacobs.

PCHS Broncs basketball to attend tournament in Phoenix, Ariz.

The PCHS Broncs female team will have the opportunity to attend a basketball tournament in Phoenix, Ariz.

“It gives them the opportunity to play some of the best teams,” said Jacobs. “It’s also exposure to high-level women’s basketball and encourages young women to get involved in athletics.”

PCHS world tour trip for 2011 – 2012 approved

As in many years prior, PCHS teacher Ron Labrie will take a group of students to Europe to experience many historical areas and to see the world.

The trip, which usually brings the group through England, Italy and many other locations has been a great success so far, according to Jacobs.

“This is a travel trip where they go to take a look at where some of the local soldiers and people from this area fought in the Second World War,” said Jacobs. “They take it as an opportunity to really dig deep and get down into how Canadians have impacted Europe.”

The board has approved a field trip for grades 7, 8 and 9 students from Crestomere School to visit Peru and explore the history of the area.

“It fits in with their curriculum and what they’re learning in school, so we didn’t see any problem with it,” said Jacobs.

The students will study aspects of civilization from different eras as well as the current issues of Peru.

“It’s a great opportunity for the kids to get out and see the world,” said Jacobs.

School bus route changes

Due to budget issues brought on by teacher raises and lack of funding, the school board is forced to cut five bus routes for the 2011 – 2012 school year.

The board discussed the dynamics of the routes and how they would be split up.

All parents and students that will be affected by the changes will be notified within the next month.