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Remembrance Day a time of reflection

Remembrance Day a time of reflection

Among the many services and events to remember those who have fought for Canada’s freedom, Remembrance Day is the most recognized and celebrated time of the year that honours those who have fought.
Ponoka firefighters train for hazardous spills

Ponoka firefighters train for hazardous spills

Keeping the environment healthy and protected is on the minds of many in this day and age and Ponoka and the province of Alberta are working together to keep the water and land safe by learning how to deal with emergencies.
School promotes healthy eating

School promotes healthy eating

With the unstable economy and the fast pace of everyday life, it’s important to keep healthy in order to maintain an active life, especially for children. A healthy lifestyle can take time and work and the staff and parents at Ponoka Elementary School are taking action to ensure that the students are receiving the right foods.

Provinces recognizes small businesses

Small business awards week in Alberta may have come to an end but the recognition of excellence in the business community most definitely has not.

Maintain health with the flu shot

With the winter weather upon us, more and more people will be retreating indoors and the flu will sweep communities once more during the year. Influenza usually only affects a person for a couple of days, but in extreme cases it can cause severe symptoms, which is why it is important to get the flu shot to help avoid getting sick.
Ponoka welcomes new Ag-Event Centre

Ponoka welcomes new Ag-Event Centre

After much anticipation, cooperation and hard work, Ponoka can look forward to adding a brand new building to its skyline. The Ponoka Agricultural Society, Ponoka Stampede Association, Ponoka County and the Town of Ponoka have partnered together to form the Ponoka Ag-Event Centre Society (PAECS) to work towards building a new Ag-Event Centre.

Additional assistance available for Albertans: MLA Report-Ray Prins

More than 1,400 single Albertans who are working and receiving income support have been given an additional incentive to remain in the workforce. Effective Nov. 1, 2008 their earning exemptions will increase from $115 a month to $230 a month, which means they can earn more before their benefits are affected.
Lions host convention and celebrate 60th anniversary

Lions host convention and celebrate 60th anniversary

With 139 registered delegates, 28 guests and 43 club representatives the Ponoka, Alix, Clive, Lacombe and Red Deer Lions Clubs were ready for the District 37-I annual convention held on Oct 24 and Oct. 25 in Ponoka.

Change smoke alarm batteries ‘like clockwork’ each fall

One in four Canadians surveyed in a recent national fire safety poll said they failed to replace the batteries in their home smoke alarms at least once during the past year. That is up from 18 per cent in a similar 2007 poll, indicating that Canadians seem to be missing the point on protecting their homes against fires.

Healthy lifestyle programs key to managing breast health

After completing active treatment for breast cancer, women may need to consider a number of important lifestyle changes to optimize their health and lower the risk of recurrence.