TAKE NOTICE that Ivan Liske and Margaret Liske have filed a Statement of Claim on July 5, 2023, Action No. 2310-00737 in the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta, Judicial District of Red Deer, claiming general damages and special damages as yet unascertained, plus costs, arising out of a Motor Vehicle Accident which occurred on August 1, 2021, in the approximate vicinity of Highway 12 near its intersection with Highway 850, in Botha. The grounds alleged are stated in the Statement of Claim, a copy of which will be mailed to you upon request directed to the offices of Litwiniuk LLP o/a Litco Law, Suite 200 5119 Elbow Drive SW, Calgary, AB T2V 1H2. Your whereabouts being unknown, the Court has ordered substitutional service upon you by the within advertisement. Should you wish to oppose the claim or seek other relief, you must promptly take steps in accordance with the Notice to you endorsed on the Statement of Claim or instruct your lawyer to do so. If within 27 days from the date of this publication you fail to file with the said Clerk of the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta, Judicial District of Red Deer at Courts House, 4909 48 Ave., Red Deer, Alberta T4N 3T5 a Statement of Defence or a Demand of Notice, the Plaintiff may proceed according to the practice of the Court to note you in default and you will not be thereafter entitled to notice of any further proceedings, and the relief sought by the Plaintiff may be given in your absence.
DATED at Calgary, Alberta, this 19th day of June, 2024.
Suite 200 5119 Elbow Drive SW
Calgary, AB T2V 1H2
Attn: Michelle Tong
Telephone: (403) 273-8580