“I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” — Psalm 32:8
It’s an exciting time for students, staff, and parents alike as we head into a brand-new school year!
During the buzz of back-to-school season, as we buy new clothes and supplies, plan schedules, and look forward to seeing friendly faces again, it can be easy to forget how lucky we are for the many blessings we enjoy. Not all are so privileged.
This year, our division enters into the first year of a new four-year faith theme: “Encounter God.” As we explore this theme, we will learn how we can encounter God regularly in our daily lives. Some of the ways we can do this are through prayer, our interactions with others, and acts of charity.
Acts of service are a cornerstone of faith-infused Catholic education, and our Board of Trustees is eager to see the many wonderful projects that will be undertaken by the students and staff of our schools this year.
Families can get involved too! The beginning of the school year is the perfect time to donate gently used clothes — including winter jackets or other cold weather gear — to local charitable organizations. Donations of school supplies can be made year-round to United Way Alberta’s Tools for Schools campaign. And, of course, our food banks can always use donations to help feed our community members in need.
However you choose to give back, do so knowing you are encountering God by following his word. What a beautiful thing this is!
Whether you’re returning to one of our schools or attending for the first time, the STAR Catholic Board of Trustees wishes you a warm, wonderful year of learning, laughing, and giving in the love of Christ.
This column was submitted by STAR Catholic Schools. Marilyn Burke (marilyn.burke@starcatholic.ab.ca) is the local Trustee on the STAR Catholic Schools division board. STAR Catholic Schools has more than 4,400 students in 12 schools located in Beaumont, Drayton Valley, Leduc, Lacombe, Ponoka and Wetaskiwin.