Dear Minister of Health, Premier and leaders of the Government of Alberta,
We are the frontline doctors serving patients across the province of Alberta in this unprecedented time. The proposed changes that will be initiated April 1, 2020 are detrimental to our patients and the health care system. Now is not the time to restructure the system that we understand and intrinsically know how to operate. COVID-19 is spreading like a wildfire in this province. We are a strong and trusted team who require necessary resources to help us put out this fire.
We oppose this government’s implementation of harmful actions targeted towards our public health care system. These actions will destabilize an already stressed health care system during this uncertain time. We are essential responders that cannot be replaced; our crisis training will serve Albertans during this pandemic. Doctors cannot afford any distractions during this time where we are counted on to perform to the best of our capabilities.
Now is not the time for Albertans
Albertans are overwhelmed by the physical, emotional and financial issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. All Albertans are dealing with profound changes that are beyond their control. An abrupt pause to the proposed health care changes must occur immediately to avoid burdening and negatively impacting our Albertan patients in crisis.
Now is not the time for restructuring our Health care System
In these uncertain times, there is an ever-growing demand put on Provincial leaders. Both government and medical professionals provide essential services and our citizens look to us for stability in a world of ambiguity. As such, now is not the time to implement changes that will negatively impact the province’s ability to deliver accessible care under our already existing and exceptional health care system.
Now is not the time to under-resource physicians
These are unprecedented times that require extraordinary support and flexibility for clinical care. Physicians and medical support staff are performing beyond their means and are doing so with fewer resources. More than 400 community clinics across this province are either closing or laying off staff. This will overburden and overwhelm community and inpatient physicians to provide services that put patients first. Virtual options for providing care must be made more readily available and require compensation equivalent to an in-office visit, thereby allowing for crucial time needed to reassure and address our patients’ mounting critical needs. We must have the necessary resources for these clinics caring for Albertans.
Once the essential health issues of Albertans during the COVID-19 pandemic are addressed, we are committed to ensuring the stability and financial feasibility of our health care system today and in the future. Until then, our immediate need from the Government for stability, support, and resources is vital if we are to put out these wildfires for Albertans.
Your immediate response is critical during this exceptional, historic and life-altering period.
With Sincerity,
Some of the concerned physicians of Alberta:
Dr. Aaron Pink MD
Dr. Abdelbaset Elsawiniya MD
Dr. Abdelmagid Al-Shibani MD
Dr. Adam Kulaga MD
Dr. Adam Nielsen MD
Dr. Adeb Zayani MD
Dr. Adel Belhaj MD
Dr. Adeola Lemboye MD
Dr. Adil Vasanji MD
Dr. Adrienne Lee MD
Dr. Afia Siddique MD
Dr. Agnes Thompson MD
Dr. Ahmed Abughalwa MD
Dr. Ahmed Abuhelala MD
Dr. Ahmed Awad MD
Dr. Ahmed Emsalem MD
Dr. Aimee Phillpot MD
Dr. Aisha Mirza MD
Dr. Akolisa Anyaduba MD
Dr. Akrem Alatrash MD
Dr. Alanna Achen MD
Dr. Alexa Bertagnolli-Hansen MD
Dr. Alexander Joseph Fay MD
Dr. Alexandra Karen Seal Grant MD
Dr. Alexei Khair MD
Dr. Ali Suleiman MD
Dr. Alice Bailey MD
Dr. Alice Bedard MD
Dr. Alicia Mason MD
Dr. Alisha Rai MD
Dr. Alison Kabaroff MD
Dr. Allison Kirkham MD
Dr. Allison Theman MD
Dr. Alyzée Sibtain MD
Dr. Amanda Ho MD
Dr. Amandy Cheung MD
Dr. Amanpreet Dhaliwal MD
Dr. Amber Jorgensen MD
Dr. Amber Reichert MD
Dr. Ambreen Tayyab MD
Dr. Ameeta Singh MD
Dr. Amer Zabalawi MD
Dr. Amritpaul Lali MD
Dr. Amy Chow MD
Dr. Amy Hegstrom MD
Dr. Amy Tan MD
Dr. Amy Wong MD
Dr. Andre Isaac MD
Dr. Andrea Estey MD
Dr. Andrea Opgenorth MD
Dr. Andrea Ramsay MD
Dr. Andrea Tamm MD
Dr. Andrea Todd MD
Dr. Andrea Wensel MD
Dr. Andrei Fagarasanu MD
Dr. Andrew Andrawes MD
Dr. Andrew Barker MD
Dr. Andrew Chung MD
Dr. Andrew Jackson MD
Dr. Andrew Stagg MD
Dr. Angela Antoniuk MD
Dr. Angela Lau MD
Dr. Angela Naismith MD
Dr. Angela Ochs MD
Dr. Angie Karlos MD
Dr. Anil Kurian MD
Dr. Anita Dey MD
Dr. Anjali Rehill MD
Dr. Ankit Vakil MD
Dr. Ann Lee MD
Dr. Ann Marie Elizabeth Long MD
Dr. Anna Purdy MD
Dr. Anna Rogers MD
Dr. Anna Tomanek MD
Dr. Annalee Coakley MD
Dr. Anne Roggensack MD
Dr. Annelies Noordman MD
Dr. Annette Begalke MD
Dr. Anthrony Lynch MD
Dr. Aporna Kali MD
Dr. Appolinaire Katumba MD
Dr. April Tozer MD
Dr. Aref Yeung MD
Dr. Ariane Fielding MD
Dr. Asad Mir MD
Dr. Aseel Hamad MD
Dr. Aseem Bishnoi MD
Dr. Ashraf Shibany MD
Dr. Ashwani Singh MD
Dr. Asim Raja MD
Dr. Asra Segok MD
Dr. Astrid McLean MD
Dr. Atul Khullar MD
Dr. Aymen Franka MD
Dr. Bailey Adams MD
Dr. Barbara Fischer MD
Dr. Beatrice du Prey MD
Dr. Beatrice duPrey MD
Dr. Bernard Nwaka MD
Dr. Bertus Badenhorst MD
Dr. Bhavlene Panesar MD
Dr. Brad Unryn MD
Dr. Bradley Greig MD
Dr. Branden Ayotte MD
Dr. Brenda Nakashima MD
Dr. Brendan Diederichs MD
Dr. Brendan Vaughan MD
Dr. Brent Crawford MD
Dr. Brent Hanasyk MD
Dr. Brian Dembinski MD
Dr. Brian Rowe MD
Dr. Brianne Hudson MD
Dr. Brianne Tetz MD
Dr. Brittnee Kegler MD
Dr. Bruce Benson MD
Dr. Bruce Ramsey MD
Dr. Bruce Wright MD
Dr. Bryan Frobb MD
Dr. Caeley Lorincz MD
Dr. Cameron MacGougan MD
Dr. Candice Knoechel MD
Dr. Candy Marcet MD
Dr. Cara Robertson MD
Dr. Carmen Guenther MD
Dr. Carola Starke MD
Dr. Caroline Le Jour MD
Dr. Caroline Spiers MD
Dr. Caroline Turner MD
Dr. Carrie Abrahamson MD
Dr. Catherine Arkell MD
Dr. Catherine Chu MD
Dr. Catherine Peters MD
Dr. Cathryn Kuzyk MD
Dr. Cecile Henderson MD
Dr. Chantal Barry MD
Dr. Charles Metcalfe MD
Dr. Charles Samuels MD
Dr. Charley Boyd MD
Dr. Charlotte Haig MD
Dr. Charmaine Gill MD
Dr. Chauntille Munchinsky MD
Dr. Chelsea Smithbower MD
Dr. Cheryl Mather MD
Dr. Chris Beavington MD
Dr. Chris Keeling MD
Dr. Christa Desrochers MD
Dr. Christa McPherson MD
Dr. Christie Ma MD
Dr. Christin Hilbert MD
Dr. Christina Kerr MD
Dr. Christina Walton MD
Dr. Christine Froelich MD
Dr. Christine Gibson MD
Dr. Christine Kang MD
Dr. Christine Renz MD
Dr. Christopher Barnsdale MD
Dr. Christopher Joseph Rudnisky MD
Dr. Christopher Koo MD
Dr. Christopher Morse MD
Dr. Christopher Paul Venner MD
Dr. Christy MacAulay MD
Dr. Cian Hackett MD
Dr. Ciaran Twomey MD
Dr. Cindy KAM MD
Dr. Cindy Kao MD
Dr. Cindy Lee MD
Dr. Claire Barber MD
Dr. Claire Gibson MD
Dr. Clara Cho MD
Dr. Clarence Giang MD
Dr. Clinton Chow MD
Dr. Colin Holmes MD
Dr. Colleen Kjelland MD
Dr. Colleen Sweeney MD
Dr. Connie Ellis MD
Dr. Cornelis Claasen MD
Dr. Craig Buchholz MD
Dr. Curt Pitter MD
Dr. Cynthia Baxter MD
Dr. Cynthia Kwong MD
Dr. Cynthia Landy MD
Dr. Daisy Fung MD
Dr. Dan Hodges MD
Dr. Daniel Barer MD
Dr. Daniel Sawler MD
Dr. Daniel Shafran MD
Dr. Daniel Zimmerman MD
Dr. Danny Chao MD
Dr. Danny Luigi Filaferro MD
Dr. Darcie Gellner MD
Dr. Darren Gray MD
Dr. Darren Markland MD
Dr. Darren Neilson MD
Dr. Darren Nichols MD
Dr. David Foster MD
Dr. David Hoshizaki MD
Dr. David Jones MD
Dr. David Lechelt MD
Dr. David Moores MD
Dr. David Motiuk MD
Dr. David Ryan MD
Dr. David Woodruff MD
Dr. Debbie Millard MD
Dr. Debra Putnam MD
Dr. Deepak Mirok MD
Dr. Deidre Young MD
Dr. Dena Stockburger MD
Dr. Derek Borowka MD
Dr. Derick Rautenbach MD
Dr. Diana Cunningham MD
Dr. Diana Czechowsky MD
Dr. Diana Grainger MD
Dr. Diana Hong MD
Dr. Diana Rucker MD
Dr. Dianna Wang MD
Dr. Dianne Fang MD
Dr. Dianne Schuldhaus MD
Dr. Dilini Vethanayagam MD
Dr. Dina Radinskaia MD
Dr. Donald Nixon MD
Dr. Donald Wilson MD
Dr. Donna Manca MD
Dr. Doris Li MD
Dr. Doug Klein MD
Dr. Douglas Hamilton MD
Dr. Douglas Spaner MD
Dr. E. Anne Fanning MD
Dr. Eadaoin Aine Ni Choileain MD
Dr. Eduard Eksteen MD
Dr. Edward Berdusco MD
Dr. Edwin Bolster MD
Dr. Ehab Eljorani MD
Dr. Eileen Estrabillo MD
Dr. Elias Soumbasis MD
Dr. Elizabeth McKoen MD
Dr. elizabeth McLeman MD
Dr. Ellen Boyd MD
Dr. Elysia Ma MD
Dr. Emad Mitry MD
Dr. Emadalden ALSHIGAGI MD
Dr. Emily Almaden-Camacho MD
Dr. Emily Devereaux MD
Dr. Erica Dance MD
Dr. Erica Paras MD
Dr. Erik Stilling MD
Dr. Erika Fridfinnson MD
Dr. Erika Hunting MD
Dr. Erin Appleton MD
Dr. Erin Bruce MD
Dr. Erin Chapman MD
Dr. Erin Girard MD
Dr. Erin Kelly MD
Dr. Erin Nicholls MD
Dr. Errol RAFF MD
Dr. Essam Elbeshti MD
Dr. Estie van der Merwe MD
Dr. Fadel Eledrisi MD
Dr. Farahdiba Zaidi MD
Dr. Fareeha Nasir MD
Dr. Farhan Khan MD
Dr. Farooq Iqbal MD
Dr. Fathi Hashem MD
Dr. Fawzi Fetouri MD
Dr. Faye Sirianni MD
Dr. Feras Bentaleb MD
Dr. Ferdinand Ollewagen MD
Dr. Fiona Mattatall MD
Dr. Fizza Rafiq MD
Dr. Flora Aladi MD
Dr. Florence Cheng MD
Dr. Fotini Kavadas MD
Dr. Fouzia Sarwar MD
Dr. Francine Barnard MD
Dr. Francois Grimbeek MD
Dr. Fraser Brenneis MD
Dr. Freda Lo MD
Dr. Gaganjot Sandhu MD
Dr. Gail Lam MD
Dr. Gary Butler MD
Dr. Gary Samycia MD
Dr. Gene Vitug MD
Dr. Genelle Dingeldein MD
Dr. George Goldsand MD
Dr. George Lo MD
Dr. Gerhard van der Westhuizen MD
Dr. Gerry van Rensburg MD
Dr. Ghalib Ahmed MD
Dr. Gift Kariko MD
Dr. Gita Ersh MD
Dr. Gita Kruger MD
Dr. Glenda Schoombee MD
Dr. Gloria Juliana Rey Parra MD
Dr. Gordon Mazurek MD
Dr. Grace Perry MD
Dr. Gregory Oman MD
Dr. Gregory Sawisky MD
Dr. Gregory Smith MD
Dr. Gurpreet Rakhra MD
Dr. Gustavo Nogareda MD
Dr. Hafeez Kurji MD
Dr. Hajira Danial MD
Dr. Hamza Alqaser MD
Dr. Hannah Park MD
Dr. Hans Friesinger MD
Dr. Hargunbir Toor MD
Dr. Harshi Mathur MD
Dr. Hasam Alhajimhmed MD
Dr. Haseebullah Zamani MD
Dr. Hassan Elgrigni MD
Dr. Hazem Shoblak MD
Dr. Heather Burnett MD
Dr. Heather Gooden MD
Dr. Heather La Borde MD
Dr. Heather Taylor MD
Dr. Heidi Von Engelbrechten MD
Dr. Helen Akosile-Xulu MD
Dr. Hilary Kornder MD
Dr. Hisham Ibrahim MD
Dr. Holly Zulyniak MD
Dr. Hussein Taeeb MD
Dr. Ibrahim Alfalah MD
Dr. Ibrahim BADER MD
Dr. Ibrahim Shebani MD
Dr. Ieleen Taylor MD
Dr. Imran Sumar MD
Dr. Ingrid Kristensen MD
Dr. Ioana Solomon MD
Dr. Jaclyn Mann MD
Dr. Jacqueline Kassam MD
Dr. Jadah Johnson MD
Dr. Jaelene Mannerfeldt MD
Dr. Jagdeep Badhesha MD
Dr. Jaggi Rao MD
Dr. Jake Hayward MD
Dr. Jaklin Ibrahim MD
Dr. James Pattison-Bacon MD
Dr. Jan Bosman Lombaard MD
Dr. Jan McPhee MD
Dr. Jane Polley MD
Dr. Jane Schulz MD
Dr. Janet Wright MD
Dr. Janeva Kircher MD
Dr. Janice Richman-Eisenstat MD
Dr. Janine Karpakis MD
Dr. Jason Voldeng MD
Dr. Jason Weatherald MD
Dr. Jaspreet Khangura MD
Dr. Jeanelle Sabourin MD
Dr. Jeanine Jensen MD
Dr. Jeffrey Anderson MD
Dr. Jeffrey Ma MD
Dr. Jeffrey Mulder MD
Dr. Jennifer Andruchow MD
Dr. Jennifer Assh MD
Dr. Jennifer Corrales MD
Dr. Jennifer deBruyn MD
Dr. Jennifer Grossman MD
Dr. Jennifer Guillemaud MD
Dr. Jennifer Hodges MD
Dr. Jennifer Landero MD
Dr. Jennifer Nicol MD
Dr. Jennifer Obst MD
Dr. Jennifer Parker MD
Dr. Jennifer Pritchard MD
Dr. Jennifer Rebecca Minsos MD
Dr. Jennifer Riess MD
Dr. Jennifer Swainson MD
Dr. Jennifer Tupper MD
Dr. Jensen Lau MD
Dr. Jessica Kirkwood MD
Dr. Jessica Muggli MD
Dr. Jill Sherley MD
Dr. Jillian Colbert MD
Dr. Joan Lopatka MD
Dr. Joan Stilling MD
Dr. Joanna Claire Nomathemba Mundell MD
Dr. Joanna Wojcik
Dr. Joanne Baergen MD
Dr. Joanne Tseng MD
Dr. Jodie Clark MD
Dr. Johann van der Merwe MD
Dr. Johanna Festen MD
Dr. Johanna Macdonell MD
Dr. Johannes Cornelis Van Heerde MD
Dr. John Julyan-Gudgeon MD
Dr. Jon Hilner MD
Dr. Jonathan Chow MD
Dr. Jonathan Dornian MD
Dr. Jonathan Wong MD
Dr. Jonathan Zaozirny MD
Dr. Jordan Li MD
Dr. Joseph Abraham MD
Dr. Joshua Fanaeian MD
Dr. Josias Badenhorst MD
Dr. Judith Paget MD
Dr. Julia Drager MD
Dr. Julia Lin MD
Dr. Julie Seymour MD
Dr. Julie Torrie MD
Dr. Juliet Fairfax MD
Dr. Justin Chin MD
Dr. Justin Chun MD
Dr. Kaili Hoffart MD
Dr. kamal abduelmula MD
Dr. Kamal Daniel MD
Dr. Kara Nerenberg MD
Dr. Karen Badenhorst MD
Dr. Karen Fordham MD
Dr. Karen Robertson MD
Dr. Karen Tanguay MD
Dr. Karenn Chan MD
Dr. Karl Ayton MD
Dr. Karla Florencio MD
Dr. Karr-Hong Lee MD
Dr. Kate Overbo MD
Dr. Kate Skolnik MD
Dr. Katherine Atchison MD
Dr. Katherine Bisby MD
Dr. Katherine Kasha MD
Dr. Katherine Li MD
Dr. Katherine Malczyk MD
Dr. katherine smith MD
Dr. Kathleen Collinson MD
Dr. Kathleen Game MD
Dr. Kathryn Anderson MD
Dr. Kathryn Ann Fitch MD
Dr. Katrina Kelly MD
Dr. Katrina Nicholson MD
Dr. Katrina Sawatsky MD
Dr. Kechi Ozoka MD
Dr. Kelli Thomas MD
Dr. Kelly MacGregor MD
Dr. Kelsey Roelofs MD
Dr. Kelsey Rutten MD
Dr. Kendra Lamb MD
Dr. Kermun Sihota MD
Dr. Kerri Johnstone MD
Dr. Kesa Robinson MD
Dr. Khalid Hasan MD
Dr. Khalid Musa MD
Dr. Khatereh Mojtahedi MD
Dr. Kim Derouin MD
Dr. Kimberly Chapman MD
Dr. Kimberly Dary MD
Dr. Kimberly Dykin MD
Dr. Kiran Dhillon MD
Dr. kishwar jamal MD
Dr. Kitty Chan MD
Dr. Krista Piebiak Patterson MD
Dr. Kristen Rylance MD
Dr. Kristen Simone MD
Dr. Kristina Moore MD
Dr. Krystina Kiefer MD
Dr. Krystyn Popowycz MD
Dr. Kumudika DeSilva MD
Dr. Lady Jane Padilla MD
Dr. Lakshmi Puttagunta MD
Dr. Lana Stromberg MD
Dr. Lana Wicentovich MD
Dr. Larissa Irene Seredycz MD
Dr. Latisha Hewton-Backfat MD
Dr. Laura Coughlan MD
Dr. Laura Lassila MD
Dr. Laura Matemisz MD
Dr. Laura-Lea McKay MD
Dr. Lauralee Dukeshire MD
Dr. Lauren Bolster MD
Dr. Lauren Eastman MD
Dr. Lauren Robinson MD
Dr. Laurie Litwinson MD
Dr. Lawrence Ko MD
Dr. Layton Burkart MD
Dr. Leah Dettman MD
Dr. Leneela Sharma MD
Dr. Lenni Joan Folden MD
Dr. Leroy Pienaar MD
Dr. Liana Hwang MD
Dr. Lilly Miedzinski MD
Dr. Lindsay Hubenig MD
Dr. Lindsay Kennedy MD
Dr. Lindsay Nanninga-Penner MD
Dr. Lisa Evered MD
Dr. Liza Noonan MD
Dr. lora ligate MD
Dr. Loree larratt MD
Dr. Loretta Roberts MD
Dr. Louis Francescutti MD
Dr. Louis Kolman MD
Dr. Lujein Alahmed MD
Dr. Lynn Jacoby MD
Dr. Lynn Peterson MD
Dr. Lynora Saxinger MD
Dr. madeleine meiring MD
Dr. Madison Young MD
Dr. Magali Benard MD
Dr. Magda Orzylowski MD
Dr. Mahamed Bulk MD
Dr. Mahmod Mohamed MD
Dr. Mai Tran MD
Dr. Malgorzata Ejsmont MD
Dr. Malik Imtiaz MD
Dr. Man Cho Ng MD
Dr. Manisha Subedi MD
Dr. Manisha Witmans MD
Dr. Marc Curial MD
Dr. Marc Defoe MD
Dr. Marc-André Albert Filion MD
Dr. Margaret fogl MD
Dr. Margery Comeau MD
Dr. Maria Oliva MD
Dr. Maria Venter MD
Dr. Marielle Pratt MD
Dr. Mariko Shibata-Stamm MD
Dr. Marilyn Zeman MD
Dr. Marina Skulsky MD
Dr. Mark Belletrutti MD
Dr. Mark Horne MD
Dr. Marsha Quartero MD
Dr. Marta Broniewska MD
Dr. Marta Fragoeiro MD
Dr. Marta Garcia da Conceicao Fragoeiro MD
Dr. Marta Kozlowska MD
Dr. Marthinus Pretorius MD
Dr. Martin Giuffre MD
Dr. Martin Harvey MD
Dr. Martin Vetter MD
Dr. Marvin Bailey MD
Dr. Marwan Khalif MD
Dr. Mary Chisholm MD
Dr. Masoud Gaas MD
Dr. Matthew Chen MD
Dr. Matthew Johnston MD
Dr. Matthew Tennant MD
Dr. Mazen Dakhel MD
Dr. Meenakshi Nanda MD
Dr. Megan Hayter MD
Dr. Megan Lalonde MD
Dr. Megan Ruth MD
Dr. Meghan Elkink MD
Dr. Meghan Elliott MD
Dr. Melanie Boroja MD
Dr. Melanie Marsh-Joyal MD
Dr. Melanie Young MD
Dr. Melissa Fyhn MD
Dr. Melissa Kotkas MD
Dr. Melissa Lacoursiere MD
Dr. Mette Hoegh-Petersen MD
Dr. Meyer Schoeman MD
Dr. Michael Szava-Kovats MD
Dr. Michel Boulander MD
Dr. michel sauve MD
Dr. Michele Ramien MD
Dr. Michelle Bischoff MD
Dr. Michelle Hokanson MD
Dr. Michelle Jung MD
Dr. Michelle Paradis MD
Dr. Michelle Theam MD
Dr. Michelle Warren MD
Dr. Mikayla Brenneis MD
Dr. Milli Gupta MD
Dr. Mina Derakhshan MD
Dr. Minaa Amin MD
Dr. Miriam Berchuk MD
Dr. Mobina Chaudhry MD
Dr. Mohamad Albrbar MD
Dr. Mohamed Diyaeb MD
Dr. Mohamed ElMahgiub MD
Dr. Mohamed Elmusharaf MD
Dr. Mohamed Hassan MD
Dr. Mohamed Swenia MD
Dr. Monika Khullar MD
Dr. Morné Odendaal MD
Dr. Morteza Zahmatkesh Shahrestani MD
Dr. Mossab Taghedi MD
Dr. Moutazbellah Raoubi MD
Dr. msod triki MD
Dr. Muadh Abounaja MD
Dr. Muba Taher MD
Dr. Muhammad Raza MD
Dr. Mukarram Zaidi MD
Dr. Mustafa Mami MD
Dr. Nader Attalla MD
Dr. Nadia DuToit MD
Dr. Nadia Luca MD
Dr. Najat Abuderbala MD
Dr. Naji Saleh MD
Dr. Nan Yang MD
Dr. Nao Kawamura MD
Dr. Naomi Fridhandler MD
Dr. Nargis Karamdad MD
Dr. Narpinder Hans MD
Dr. Nasim Arruj MD
Dr. Natalia Rydz MD
Dr. Natalie Rezansoff MD
Dr. Natashka Pollock MD
Dr. Naureen Wasey MD
Dr. Nav Rattan MD
Dr. Neeja Bakshi MD
Dr. Neha Chadha MD
Dr. Neil Pandya MD
Dr. Nelini Reddy MD
Dr. Ni Lam MD
Dr. Nicol Basson MD
Dr. Nicola Watkins MD
Dr. Nicole LaBrie MD
Dr. Nicole Mensik MD
Dr. Nicole Yam MD
Dr. Nida Basit MD
Dr. Nikhil Kembhavi MD
Dr. Nischea Sihota MD
Dr. Noella Lee Pong MD
Dr. Noelle O’Riordan MD
Dr. Noemi Simpson MD
Dr. Nomiki Trouli MD
Dr. Norah McKay MD
Dr. Norman Yee MD
Dr. Olga Tourin MD
Dr. Olga Ziouzina MD
Dr. Olivia Lee MD
Dr. Olubukola Maxwell MD
Dr. Olukayode Fawole MD
Dr. Pablo Amigo MD
Dr. Padraic McCombe MD
Dr. Paolo Raggi MD
Dr. paramvinder singh MD
Dr. Parker Vandermeer MD
Dr. Patricia Belda MD
Dr. Patricia Lee MD
Dr. Patricia Sigurdson MD
Dr. Patrick Linehan MD
Dr. Paul Anthony Tiley Marner MD
Dr. Paul Henning MD
Dr. Paul Lalli MD
Dr. Paul Parks MD
Dr. Paul Soper MD
Dr. Paulette Comeau MD
Dr. Pauline Alakija MD
Dr. Pauline Head MD
Dr. Peter Bouch MD
Dr. Peter Colbert MD
Dr. Peter Mah MD
Dr. Phil Vogel MD
Dr. Philip Aaron Pink MD
Dr. Phillip van der Merwe MD
Dr. Phu Vu MD
Dr. Pierre-Charles Gretillat MD
Dr. Pieter Kruger MD
Dr. Poulami Banerjee MD
Dr. Pradeep Wadhwa MD
Dr. Praveen Jain MD
Dr. Preet Pal Singh Sekhon MD
Dr. Priya Govender MD
Dr. Qaiser Rizvi MD
Dr. Rabiya Jalil MD
Dr. Rachel Ann Schachar MD
Dr. Rachel Han MD
Dr. Rachel Masha Maurice MD
Dr. Rachelle Westover MD
Dr. Raghu Muneppa Dandugula MD
Dr. Rakesh Patel MD
Dr. Rami Abu-Zeidan MD
Dr. Ranbir Gill MD
Dr. Rania Hanna MD
Dr. Rannie Tao MD
Dr. Raphael Mtshali MD
Dr. Rashid Malik MD
Dr. Ray Zho MD
Dr. Rebecca Charbonneau MD
Dr. Rebecca Saunders MD
Dr. Rebecca Wiens MD
Dr. Rebeccah Rosenblum MD
Dr. Reena Suri MD
Dr. Reggie Wawrinchuk MD
Dr. Rehan Riyaz MD
Dr. Rehana Chatur MD
Dr. Rekha Soni MD
Dr. Remo DiPalma MD
Dr. Renee Farrell MD
Dr. Rhea Varughese MD
Dr. Rhett Taylor MD
Dr. Richard Hanelt MD
Dr. Richard Ibach MD
Dr. Richard Sultanian MD
Dr. Rida Musbah MD
Dr. Rieza Zara MD
Dr. Rizwan Somani MD
Dr. Robert Cohen MD
Dr. Robyn Grobler MD
Dr. Robyn Hutchings MD
Dr. Rodel Cenabre MD
Dr. Ron Damant MD
Dr. Ronagh Hatcher MD
Dr. Rosalyn McAuley MD
Dr. Ruben Hansen MD
Dr. Ruchika Swaro MD
Dr. Ryan O’Malley MD
Dr. Ryan White MD
Dr. Saad Yasin MD
Dr. Saadia Qaiser MD
Dr. Sadia Nakhuda MD
Dr. Sadia Shakil MD
Dr. Saif Hamdi MD
Dr. Sajid Azam MD
Dr. Salem Tomi MD
Dr. Sally Talbot-jones MD
Dr. Salma Murji MD
Dr. Sam Stetsko MD
Dr. Samee Altayeb MD
Dr. Sameena Bajwa MD
Dr. Samira Rashid MD
Dr. Samuel deWalle MD
Dr. Sana Haq MD
Dr. Sandra Lahey MD
Dr. Sandy Dong MD
Dr. Sandy Murray MD
Dr. Sanja Kostov MD
Dr. Sara Binder MD
Dr. Sara McKinnon MD
Dr. Sarah Glaze MD
Dr. Sarah Jo MD
Dr. Sarah Meleshko MD
Dr. Sarah Roshko MD
Dr. Sarah Smith MD
Dr. Saumya Selvaraj MD
Dr. Savraj Bhangra MD
Dr. Scott Maclean MD
Dr. Sean Chapman MD
Dr. Seema Bhanji MD
Dr. Serena Mar MD
Dr. Seyedeh Zahra Mirkarimi MD
Dr. Shabbir Hassan MD
Dr. Shafeena Premji MD
Dr. Shaheen Raza MD
Dr. Shahid Khan MD
Dr. Shahneela Memon MD
Dr. Shahzeer Karmali MD
Dr. Shane Hoeber MD
Dr. Shannon Otsuka MD
Dr. Sharlene hudson MD
Dr. Shawna Lamond MD
Dr. Shawna Pandya MD
Dr. Shazma Mithani MD
Dr. Shazna Abdulati MD
Dr. Sheela Vijay MD
Dr. Sheila Caddy MD
Dr. Sheila Eleason MD
Dr. Sheila Ung-Datta MD
Dr. Shelly Bhayana MD
Dr. Sheri Klassen MD
Dr. Shirley Hovan MD
Dr. Shirline Chia MD
Dr. Sholeh Dezfuli MD
Dr. Shona MacLachlan MD
Dr. Siew-Wan Tan MD
Dr. Simon Lam MD
Dr. Simone Lebeuf MD
Dr. Sinead Cooney MD
Dr. Sing-Chi Lam MD
Dr. Sita Gourishankar MD
Dr. Sonja Metcalfe MD
Dr. Sonnie Oyama MD
Dr. Sopheap Ou MD
Dr. Stella Ogunsona MD
Dr. Stephanie Frigon MD
Dr. Stephanie Hart MD
Dr. Stephanie Kerwin MD
Dr. Stephanie Mullin MD
Dr. Stephen Phillips MD
Dr. Stephen Swainson MD
Dr. Stephen Yam MD
Dr. Steven Fisher MD
Dr. Stevi Golden-Plotnik MD
Dr. Sudhakar Sivapalan MD
Dr. Sue Reid MD
Dr. Sumathili Sundararajan MD
Dr. Sunil Sookram MD
Dr. Suriya Kabir MD
Dr. Susan Campbell MD
Dr. Susan Dixon MD
Dr. Susan Konynenbelt MD
Dr. Susan Low MD
Dr. Suzanne Black MD
Dr. Suzanne Squires MD
Dr. Sylvia Mousa MD
Dr. Tammy Bach MD
Dr. Tammy Nighswander MD
Dr. Tannis Spencer MD
Dr. Tanya Ruman MD
Dr. Tanzela Shahzad MD
Dr. Tara Kaman MD
Dr. Tara McGrath MD
Dr. Taryn Brown MD
Dr. Tasneem Sajwani MD
Dr. Tehseen Ladha MD
Dr. Terry DeFreitas MD
Dr. Tessa Penrod MD
Dr. Theneshkumar Sathiyaseelan MD
Dr. Thomas Jeerakathil MD
Dr. Thomas Stark MD
Dr. Thuc Nhi Dang MD
Dr. Tianru Sui MD
Dr. Tiffany Lila Van Slyke MD
Dr. Timothy Pyra MD
Dr. Tina Tom MD
Dr. Travis Webster MD
Dr. Trevor Luk MD
Dr. Trevor Mailey MD
Dr. Tricia Kutnikoff MD
Dr. Trina Uwiera MD
Dr. Troy Turner MD
Dr. Tulika Karan MD
Dr. Ulrich Lauf MD
Dr. Una Barry MD
Dr. Vanessa Fawcett MD
Dr. Vanessa Potok MD
Dr. Vania Chandler MD
Dr. Vasiliki Giannitsos MD
Dr. Verna Krisik MD
Dr. Victor abdelmalak MD
Dr. Victoria Leung MD
Dr. Victoria Siu MD
Dr. Vincent Biron MD
Dr. Vincenzo Botha MD
Dr. Virginia Gunn MD
Dr. Warren Stanich MD
Dr. Wayne Church MD
Dr. Weronika Harris-Thompson MD
Dr. Wessel Joubert MD
Dr. Will White MD
Dr. William Sevcik MD
Dr. William Son MD
Dr. William White MD
Dr. Xinyun Zhang MD
Dr. yahaya aniki MD
Dr. Yang Li MD
Dr. Yazhini Subramanian MD
Dr. Youness Elkhalidy MD
Dr. Yu Ling Cheng MD
Dr. Yvonne Kangong MD
Dr. Zahid Rafiq MD
Dr. Zahinoor Ismail MD
Dr. Zahra Ahamed MD
Dr. Zainab Abbas MD
Dr. Zarqa Quraushi MD
Dr. Zuzana Triska MD