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Friends are the best vitamins of our life

No matter what our age or the way of life we may pursue, all of us need to pause and take a little time to really appreciate

No matter what our age or the way of life we may pursue, all of us need to pause and take a little time to really appreciate the most important treasures of our lifetime, which next to our precious family, is the presence of good friends — old and new. We need to sincerely ask ourselves these questions and then realize no matter how busy we might be, just how important it is to digest and enjoy a big dose of Vitamin F each and every day.

Vitamin F and good friends.

Why do I have a variety of friends who are all so different in character?

How is it possible that I can somehow get along with all of them?

I think that each one helps to bring out a different part of me.

With one of them I am polite, with another I can joke, and with another I can be a bit naughty.

Then I can sit down and talk about serious matters with some friends, and laugh a lot with others.

I listen to one friend’s problems and then I listen to another one’s advice for me.

Our friends should be like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. When completed they will form a treasure box — a treasure of unique friends and quality individuals.

They are our friends who understand us, often better than we understand ourselves.

They are friends who would support us through the good days and the bad — no matter what.

Doctors tell us that friends are good for our health. The famous Dr. Oz refers to them as Vitamin F (for Friends), and counts the benefits of friends as most essential to our well being.

Research has shown that people in strong social circles and quality relationships have less risk of depression and terminal illness.

If we enjoy a good dose of Vitamin F constantly we can occasionally feel like and even act like we are 30 years younger than our actual age.

The ongoing warmth of friendship helps to stop stress and even in our most intense moments, it decreases the chance of cardiac arrest or stroke. The presence of Vitamin F will also help us to ease our sorrow and pain, as well as to share and celebrate our successes and joys.

We should all be happy that along the way we have gathered a good stock of Vitamin F. We should value our friends and always try to keep in touch with them, to try and see the funny side and to laugh and pray for each other in both the best and the toughest moments of our lives.

Today many of us have lots of friends online and we know we are a part of theirs when their names appear on our computer screens. No matter what, we should always feel blessed that our friends care as much for us as we care for them, and always take a little time to thank them in special ways for being one of our favourite vitamins!

Have jokes for blond men arrived?

After all those wonderful blond ladies of the world have always been very good sports and taken the brunt of all those wild “blonde jokes” for many decades, they can now sit back and chuckle, because jokes for blond men have now arrived on the fun scene.

Here’s just an sample, and we can sure that there will be many others to follow, likely even a few “grey jokes” aimed at those of us who are enjoying our golden years.

• Two blond men find three grenades and decide to take them to the police station. One asked: “What if one explodes before we get there?” The other boldly replied, “We’ll lie and say that we found only two.”

• A flustered blond man shouts frantically into the phone: “My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart!” “Is this your first child?” asks the doctor. “No!” he shouted. “This is her husband!”

• A blond man’s cherished dog goes missing and he is frantic. His wife says, “Why don’t you put an ad in the local paper?” He does, but two weeks later his dog is still missing and he is very upset. “What did you put in the paper?” his wife asks. “Here boy!” he replies.

• This one actually makes sense — kinda. An Italian tourist asks the blond man: “Why do scuba divers always fall backwards off their boat?” “Well,” the blond man replies, “If they fell forward, they would still be in the boat.”

As winter turns the corner the hot and short month of February and Valentine’s Day will soon be upon us, so have a great week, all of you!