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Front page gore detested

I am writing with regards to the bloody picture on the cover photo of last week’s paper.

Dear Editor:

I am writing with regards to the bloody picture on the cover photo of last week’s paper.

The Ponoka News is a paper we rely on to find out what is and will be happening in our area. It is a family-oriented paper that features the events our local children are involved in. I realize this cover photo captures something that went on in town but considering your audience, could you not represent the event without graphic pictures? The same with the Scout’s haunted house picture at Halloween. Not all children want to see these pictures and some even have nightmares over them. These events could be covered with family-friendly photos.

We do truly appreciate the paper. All we ask is you please consider your audience before choosing your photos.

Heather Bott

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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