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How many of us are selfish drivers?

If the rain ever stops we can hopefully get on with what our beloved weather gurus are claiming will be a long hot summer. Of course when everyone ventures out in the sun-shine to begin their favourite warm weather and holiåday frolics it will get real busy everywhere, especially on our highways and byways.

Spring and summer is also that sometimes a nuisance but still very necessary time for road construction, fixing pot-holes, sidewalk repair and all those other local improvements that we have been insisting all winter that we really need, and are now finally getting done. Of course those slow moving fix and finish projects will always cause some delays, we will need to slow down, and we should expect that we might be a little late in reaching our destinations. While most of us will cheer when the job is all done, many have found out the hard and often expensive way that getting grumpy or stressed won’t get us there any faster and that disregarding those vital traffic safety signs could result in dire consequences and even occasional disaster.

All that slow and heavy machinery and the men and women in their bright orange uniforms are out there doing a hot and tough job and we need to co-operate to insure their safety and right-of-way. We need to yield to flashing lights on all occasions, including police and emergency vehicles, as well as school buses. Here’s just a few stress less, but sensible and easy tips we can practice as we head out on holidays or fun excursions with family and friends.

*Chill out! Take along some good tapes and a book in case you run into delays and always have some easy to nibble treats close at hand so that we can munch instead of grump.

*It is good idea to always take something along for the kids, simply because it is really hard for them to sit still and behave for long periods of time. It is also easy to check the road and weather report before heading out, and if we know that construction is ahead it might be a great idea to stop at a service station for the much requested bathroom break, as well as gasing up and checking the radiator to help avoid problems.

*There are usually several scenic alternative routes to take around the construction areas, and heading out a little earlier might give us a little extra time if delays occur. Always take along your cell-phone so you can let your family know where you are, or call your boss if you are going to be late for work.

*Around most towns there is also cleaning, street work and beautifying going on for the benefit of all citizens and visitors. Once again we need to slow down and extend our co-operation and courtesies, not only by giving them space and a wave of appreciation, but by understanding if they have to turn off the water or power for a short period.

*With the price of gas these days maybe it would be a smarter choice for the short destinations to walk, take our bikes, or car-pool? This makes it a lot easier to find a parking spot, and the exercise is just great.

*We all need to ask ourselves each and every day that we are behind the wheel, where we are quite often in a hurry, chatting on a cell-phone, or off in a dream world...are we really paying attention to all those pedestrians and other vehicles who are constantly popping up in front and on all sides of us? Like all the rest of us, all of these very special neighbours and friends of all ages who are out and about are excited about getting to work, report cards, meeting a friend, going fishing, holidays, being in the game, summer camp, a new bike, shopping, ice cream and all the rest. Please, lets not turn theirs and our dreams into a nightmare by driving like an idiot!

Just for a few laughs.

*If you really look like your passport picture you probably need a holiday.

*We must all remember that as senior citizens we are very valuable. We are even more valuable that any of the younger generations, simply because we have: Silver in our hair, gold in our teeth, rare stones in our kidneys, lead in our feet, and we are loaded with natural gas.

*Two elderly gentleman from a retirement centre were sitting on a bench under a tree when one turns to the other and says; ‘Slim, I’m 83 years old now and I’m just full of aches and pains. I know your about my age, how do you feel?’ Slim replied, ‘I feel just like a newborn baby!’ Really, like a born baby?’ ‘ hair, no teeth, and I think I just wet my pants!’ Get out your rootin-tootin gear just in time for Stampede, and have a great week, all of you.