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In response to Black Lives Matter letter

Reader responds to letter regarding Black Lives Matter.

Dear Editor,

In reading Mr. Hudson’s letter to the editor I was struck by the fact that he felt the need to disassociate himself from the movement Black Lives Matter. Among other things he is essentially saying, like Hillary Clinton, that “All lives matter.” Of course they do.

The 3rd amendment of the U.S. Bill of Rights, though, states clearly that “Congress….. shall make no law…..abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Mr. Hudson might feel the movement’s goals are ill-informed, unrealistic or not focused appropriately, but like the Women’s movement, the Civil Rights movement, the Occupy Wall Street movement and Idle No More, they are directed at perceived injustices.

Some people wonder how effective these movements are. Not only do they raise public awareness of concerns, but for participants they give an opportunity to be actively involved. They also give the opportunity to share ideas (sometimes in unexpected ways) and to engender hope (that they can make a difference in small, real and meaningful ways). Even if one disagrees with social or justice projects, engagement and discussion can be informative and can clarify motivations, needs and the realism of one’s goals.

George Jason