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LETTER: A reader speaks to choice in children’s education

A Ponoka News reader responds to a letter related to one eduction system

Dear Editor,

While I can sympathize with Mr. Weisswasser not wanting his taxes to go towards Catholic education (I don’t like to think that my tax dollars are supporting a public, secular education), his essay is misleading.

Tax dollars are assigned to students, not to boards. Having one school board will not save money because we will have exactly the same number of children to educate.

Citing the Declaration of Rights and Freedom is unhelpful towards his overall argument. This document simply states the people have religious freedom, it does not specifically state who pays for it. Seeing as the document is written to all Canadians, it seems best to infer that whatever costs are incurred for religious freedom, is borne by all citizens.

The funding of Catholic Schools, and other private schools, is the most appropriate allocation of tax revenue. We live in a pluralistic society: one size simply does not fit all.

Mr. Weisswasser has every right to support a public, secular education and I have a right to send my money elsewhere. A monolithic education system has never been, is not, and never will be best for students and society.


Tim Nelson