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LETTER: Ponoka County resident wants to repeal daylight saving time

A petition has begun with the group at Hamilton’s IGA on Thursday, Feb. 21 at 4:30 p.m.

Dear Editor,

Please allow us to address you and your readers to consider taking the time to come join us in our efforts to petition the Alberta Legislature to take action and abolish the time change.

It seems we all need to have our attention drawn to the fact that there is an increased risk of accidents and serious health events the week after each time change. We know there are many who prefer Daylight Saving Time. They feel that businesses and the economy do better on DST. But last year Bill 203, which requested that Alberta stay on DST permanently, was not successful in the Legislature. Thus, our only other option to eliminate a time change is to request that the Alberta Government revoke the Daylight Saving Time Act, and we remain on Mountain Standard Time year-round.

This is our petition:

To the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, in Legislature Assembled:

We, the undersigned residents of Alberta, petition the Legislative Assembly to urge the Government of Alberta to introduce a bill to repeal the Daylight Saving Time Act.

Let’s be honest, we all have our own personal opinions, conveniences and preferences for one side of this issue, or the other. It is true that there are valid arguments on each side of the matter. However, will we continue to ignore the research that supports the fact that for two weeks a year, all Albertans are at a higher risk of injury or even loss of life due to the affects the time changes have on us?

When we really think about it, what benefits could possibly outweigh, or supersede the health and safety of Albertans? Is it not time we put our families and loved ones before any other benefits, be it economic, recreational or personal preferences? We say yes, it is time.

We invite you to participate in helping us make a change for putting our human wellness above all else. Come sign our petition. We will be at Hamilton’s IGA on Thursday, Feb. 21 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Lynn MacDonald