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Reader questions the worth of long elections

Reader questions the worth of a long election in the United States.

Dear Editor,

A former Canadian prime minister, talking of the U.S., said that if an elephant moved those close by they would feel the vibrations. That’s close enough to the original quote I believe. I did not watch or listen to the last of the US presidential candidates’ debates.

We have been feeling vibrations from the U.S. for close to a year quite enough for me. Life is too short to live a full politically informed life. Not that I intend to remain ignorant of the world, whether it is Syria, the economy or the U.S. elections. The point is how much combat fatigue can we really tolerate?

I’m impressed by reporters who write detailed coherent descriptions of debate exchanges in fact-filled prose, occasionally describing the tone and emotional content of the exchanges.

To me the debates often seemed like a neighboring couple having a loud domestic dispute, right next door. “That’s democracy” someone no doubt will say. “Just listen to Question Period in the House of Commons.”

Perhaps! But after almost a year I wonder at what point does political PTSD kick in and how much of political exchange at this point is information overload? I found it quite pleasant to be outside with the dogs enjoying a surprisingly pleasant evening walk in late October, where political voices were set on mute.

George Jason