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Response missed the point

In last week’s News, Mr. Julian Hudson spent a good deal of time and space, in attempting to disprove a point I was not trying to make.

Dear Editor,

In last week’s News, Mr. Julian Hudson spent a good deal of time and space, in attempting to disprove a point I was not trying to make. It appears that either he did not read my column carefully, or he did not understand it.

In that column (April 30), I said two things: first, I raised a provocative question regarding the sexual orientation of the Ethiopian eunuch in the Acts of the Apostles, and second, I stated an historical fact – that King James I of England lived a gay lifestyle for half his life. And that is all that I said.

I found Mr. Hudson’s response letter to be somewhat mean spirited and demeaning . I’m sorry that he cannot disagree with someone without also being insulting. However, while he gave vent to his bias, he missed my point completely.

James Strachan