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Response to letter of atheist educator

Readers responds to last week's letter from a self-described atheist who responded to another letter.

Dear Editor,

I noted with some amusement that brave, courageous Scott Lewis waited until after he is no longer accountable to the people of Ponoka, to unload his atheistic critique of Mr. Overeems view’s.

Mr. Scott appears to me to be yet another “fundamentalist atheist.” I use the descriptive word “fundamentalist” because

1) he assumes that he alone is right, and 2) he is quite willing to then mock and deride the faith of any who might disagree with him.

I found myself wondering if Mr. Scott encouraged his students to routinely mock anyone who disagrees with them on matters of faith, or whether - hypocritically - he taught them to honour the views of others, and accept their right to hold a dissenting opinion from their own.

As I said above, “brave, courageous Mr. Scott,” the teacher who is sure that only his views are correct, and who sees no contradiction in an educator mocking the alternative views of others. He will go far in the atheist camp; perhaps not so far as an educator.

James Strachan
