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Rural mailboxes vandalized

I live in Ponoka County so I get my mail at the green boxes at the end of our road.

Dear Editor:

Here we go again.

I live in Ponoka County so I get my mail at the green boxes at the end of our road. I went down to pick up my mail Sept. 17 and what do you suppose I found?

Somebody, somebody’s kids, maybe your kids, have again vandalized our mailboxes by pushing them over, likely sometime on the weekend. This is not the first time this has happened and whoever is responsible (I don’t know if it is the same offender or offenders) is not picky about what time of year, as I have seen them down in the winter also.

Not only is this behaviour an inconvenience to those of us who receive our mail in the country, it is most likely illegal, (but really, what are the chances of catching the culprits on our road in the dark after the have been on our road drinking and partying?)

Beyond that, it is dangerous as well. Many people who pick up their mail in these boxes, whether it be in our area or some other area in the county, are probably seniors and would probably find it difficult to access their boxes when they are lying on the ground, and could be easily injured trying to reach in an unfamiliar way.

The mail delivery person must also be considered because when they arrive to do their jobs, especially in the winter months. They can’t be expected to climb all over these boxes back to deliver the mail. I don’t think they are required to try to put the boxes back in the correct position on their own. So, does this mean that when they find these boxes in this condition, they are not obligated to deliver the mail until the boxes are upright again?

Well, there is another inconvenience for me in possibly not getting my mail when I expected to.

Lois Stang