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Staff working to fix splash park

I will be the first to admit that when I am enjoying a nice afternoon with my son at the splash park, it is rather inconvenient to have the

Dear Editor:

I will be the first to admit that when I am enjoying a nice afternoon with my son at the splash park, it is rather inconvenient to have the water shut off due to operating system issues. However, with a quick call, either Jackie or Tamara respond in a timely manner to remedy the problem the system is having.

We must remember the splash park is a seasonal facility that has been in operation for a couple of summers. As with any new system, there are glitches that will arise and need to be dealt with. The few trained staff members of the splash park work tirelessly from the beginning to the end of summer maintaining the facility on top of the other duties their positions require of them. These dedicated individuals are constantly on-call to ensure the safety, integrity and operations of the splash park is upheld. It is not the fault of the individuals trained to maintain the facility if the system itself is continually problematic.

I would like to remind everyone that Ponoka is not the only community in the area that is having issues with their splash park facilities. We should be holding the manufacturing companies more accountable with the quality of their product. The problems associated with the splash park are more complex than basic maintenance and should collectively be solved by both owner and manufacturer. It is wonderful that Ponoka has such a facility that can be enjoyed by so many individuals.

I personally would like to thank the individuals who work so intently to ensure the splash park can be enjoyed by all. You are doing a great job and I appreciate all of your hard work.

K. Maser