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The Black Friday to Boxing Day Go-Go-Go

I am quite sure that many of you got caught up in the ‘Black Friday’ shopping frenzy last week, which is only just the beginning

I am quite sure that many of you got caught up in the ‘Black Friday’ shopping frenzy last week, which is only just the beginning of that mad dash to fill our December 25th wish lists, with sincere hopes that Santa will do all the rest? Unless you are one of the smart ones who got most of their Christmas shopping gift run done a long time ago, you will now join the rest of us out there amongst the merry madness adventure that will last all the way to Boxing Day.

As a rather mellowing and not very organized senior, I will always love getting into the spirit of the season, but I don’t do much shopping any more, and I will leave the rest of the planning to my wife, the organizer of the money and to do lists. My favourite pastime is pushing the cart, while browsing the stores, catching the festive mood and music, and watching everyone else rushing around in all directions on their way to eventual holiday bliss, or a nervous breakdown. Today, in our electronic age, there are so many fancy gift choices available for all age groups, and that is quite likely why so many of us take the easy and lazy way out by giving cash or gift cards so that they can buy their own. We still buy for our grandchildren, usually practical gifts that will keep them busy when we babysit, as well as keeping up the old tradition by sending out a few Christmas cards to distant relatives and old friends. All of us will always look forward on December 25th to getting in touch with family and friends, whether it be by phoning, skyping, twitter, or tweeting, but greeting them in person, face to face, will always be the best.

Whatever the case, please try to enjoy your Christmas shopping spree, and don’t worry, because it will turn out just fine and look great under the tree only 19 sleeps from now. If you get a little stressed out there in the shoulder to shoulder shopping frenzy, stop and take a break, park your cart at the nearest coffee counter, check your list once more, then phone home and ask dad to put your favourite supper into the oven at 7:00 p.m.

The sage of the annual office party

In amongst all the hustle and bustle of the festive season, a real treat is the much anticipated and looked forward to annual office or shop party. No matter the size of your staff, this should always be a casual opportunity to leave the cell-phones, lap-tops, work boots, appointments, and all the rest behind, and then let loose with your work-mates and significant others.

I have to admit that I have mellowed quite a bit when it comes to Christmas parties, but have many fond memories of the great and goofy ones; although there are a few of those bashes that I couldn’t remember, at least until the next morning. The cardinal rule of your staff party is don’t talk shop, and that you don’t have to impress the boss, because they are also there to shake out a few social cob-webs along with all the rest. Once everyone has recovered from the party, they will hope that their actions will not be featured during show-no-tell during Monday’s first coffee break. Here are just a few tips on how you should not perform at the staff party.

● Don’t put your boss in a sleeper hold and then ask him/her for a raise; and don’t tell him that he looks like Santa......rather plump and works only one day a year.

● Don’t offer any one a hit of your homemade egg-nog funnel.

● No matter how good a dancer you are don’t jump up on the table with a lampshade on your head and do your best shake and shimmy impression.

● Be a good sport and take part in all the games at the party, but don’t win then all, and if you are attempting the limbo, try not to go to low, or you may never get up.

● Enjoy the keen camaraderie of your staff party, and if you think you have been to the punch bowl a few too many times, please call a cab, or hop in with the designated driver.

My friend hit me with an email snowball.

I made myself a snowball, as perfect as can be;

I thought I’d keep it has a pet, and let it sleep with me.

I made it some pajamas, and a pillow for its head;

Then last night it ran away, but wet the bed.

Please dress warm for shopping, drop an item in the Santa’s Anonymous and Ponoka Food Bank collection boxes in and around our community, and have a great week, all of you.

— Hammertime