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Close games for Stampeders

Volleyball teams strong at Samson

Volleyball teams strong at Samson

Hockey helmets now mandatory for everyone on the ice

Successful volleyball season at St. Augustine School

Successful volleyball season at St. Augustine School

The St. Augustine Kings and Queens volleyball teams are just concluding what has been the most successful season in school history. This season a total of six teams took part in various leagues and tournaments from early September to late November.

Local cowboys finish well at CFR

It’s been a long but fun and successful rodeo season for our local cowboys and they ended it with style at the Canadian Finals Rodeo.

Sweepers Cove

Where have all the juniors come from? The junior curling program took to the ice for the first time this season on Wednesday, Nov. 5, with a group of close to 30 enthusiastic young people with some even coming in from Mecca Glen.

Agro Ponoka/Ponoka Ford Super Curling League

The teams of the Agro Ponoka/Ponoka Curling League now have week number three under their collective belts. Although a few of the games from Nov. 5, week two, resulted in some closer scores while the teams in Pool “B” all ended their games even with each other.

Give the gift of Canadian legacy

Canadian athletes work incredibly hard to achieve their goals on the field or rink, but sometimes the biggest challenges happen after training is over for the day. Securing funding for equipment, competitions or training space can be huge obstacles for athletes who are just starting out.
Local SCUBA divers plunge into the pool of Ponoka’s Aquaplex

Local SCUBA divers plunge into the pool of Ponoka’s Aquaplex

From Nov. 14 to 17, Farrington Diving Services Ltd. held a diving course at the Ponoka Aquaplex for those wishing to become a certified diver. During the four day course, certain hours of each day were devoted to time spent in the classroom concentrating on learning the necessary components required to properly suit up and make the plunge
Stampeders work through the hockey season

Stampeders work through the hockey season

The hockey season is in full motion and Ponoka’s Junior B Stampeders are trying to keep up with the pace of the competitions. On Nov. 15 the Stampeders faced off against the Banff Academy Bears at the Banff Recreation Centre.