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I will always cheer for our Canadian teams

Winter Weather reminds us hockey playoffs are here

Just when we thought that the spring weather was here to stay Mother Nature had a big surprise for us this week. Waking up on the weekend it was a shock to go out and shovel the driveway and make the slow drive into town.

Aloha from paradise

I don’t know if dreams really do come true in blue Hawaii, but it sure is a great place to celebrate your anniversary or any other special occasion.

Always give yourself some credit.... no matter what

I think my wife was trying to give me a compliment last week when she insisted... “If things get better with age, then you must be approaching magnificence?”

Celebrate Earth Day by doing your part for the environment

The beautiful spring weather entices me to walk outside and away from the computer every now and again. In doing so one thing that I cannot understand in Ponoka is the amount of litter and cigarette butts that are accumulating on our streets.

How about a Canada quiz just for fun

One of my favourite events in school was having a quiz, picking teams to answer the questions, and maybe even the winners getting a special prize like a sweet treat, a gold star, or an extra half hour in the gym or playground?

Simple things for our everyday lives

There are so many simple things around us or are they simple?

Junos rocked in Calgary but Canadians still need to support our music

Watching the Junos on Sunday evening I beamed with pride at the abundance of talent that Canada has. First and foremost Shane Yellowbird from Hobbema made all of us proud as he was part of the opening act singing Paul Brandt’s song Alberta Bound.

Green candidate congratulates competition

Thank you for printing my previous letter whereby I thanked all those who supported me.

Slow down and let everyone enjoy a safe spring

This is that exciting time of the year when the dull brown leftovers of winter are slowly being replaced by the glorious green upstarts of a new spring. As all of us emerge from our winter cocoons to mingle amongst nature with great gusto there are also many safety and co-operation and care issues that we must always be aware of.