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Rec report gives recommendations to town staff

Communication is lacking between the town and recreation groups according to a recent report presented to councillors.

McHappy Day raises millions of dollars across Canada

Business doubles at McDonald’s restaurant in Ponoka during McHappy Day, the company’s annual fundraiser.

Reitz receives provincial award

Only 10 recipients have been awarded the Crime Prevention Award this year and Ponoka is on the map for one.

Residents speak up on business bylaw

Town council gave its business hours bylaw a second chance, inviting public comment on proposed revisions.

PES building future’s uncertain

As of September 2014 Ponoka Elementary School’s pink building will be empty, and Wolf Creek Public Schools is searching for options.

First Nations included in planning

Alberta’s First Nations will be supported in the planning process to develop the province’s natural resources

Accepting students’ sexual orientation

Superintendant Larry Jacobs and Wolf Creek Public Schools (WCPS) are creating a Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity administration

Hobbema man charged in Crier murder investigation

RCMP have charged 26-year-old Clifford Soosay of Hobbema with first degree murder in connection to the death of Winston Crier
Youths help beautify streets of Ponoka

Youths help beautify streets of Ponoka

The streets of the Ponoka were cleaner after hundreds of youths conducted some much needed garbage pick up May 10.

Education minister forces contract

Alberta Education Minister Jeff Johnson will force rogue school divisions and teachers’ locals to accept the four-year framework