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Terry Fox and unsung heroes of Canada

It’s Terry Fox Run time again. Again I am on a campaign to reduce the disproportionate deification of Terry and put his extraordinary run in some kind of historical perspective. The reason for this is quite simple. Ask any school child “Who is Terry Fox?” They can tell you almost everything about him.

Restriction or Direction for our Youth

The recent proposal to create a curfew for youth is just one part of a puzzle in a safe and healthy community. The April/May 2007 issue of Scientific American Mind ran an article entitled “The Myth of the Teen Brain” by Robert Epstein.

Resident questions Hobbema economy

I live in the town of Ponoka, which is 20 minutes south of Hobbema, since the summer of 1993. Up until the time that I moved to Ponoka I had never ever seen Hobbema because I never had a reason to travel through it.

Ponoka News encouraged to stay strong

I look at the bottom of page six in our last Ponoka News. This is getting pretty scary; only four faces left.

Town asked to implement curfew in Ponoka

I was pleased to read in the Ponoka News of the Town’s plans for a town curfew, I hope it will be enforced soon.

Parents are responsible for their children

I do not believe that the imposition of a fine poses an “undue” burden on a parent or parents no matter what their circumstances.

Ponoka Farmers Market vendors

We often hear people speak wistfully of the ‘old days’ when there were barn dances, two room schools, elevators and people liked one another. Without a little more support the farmer’s market will be come just another relic of the past.

Resident supports curfew bylaw

Curfew supported but needs some changes

Young children become innocent victims of theft

Dear Editor; I have two grandsons that are in my care, Austin and Wyatt, four and two years old. Sweet and innocent little boys. For being fun loving, caring, and genially happy boys, Grandpa bought a little 110cc quad for them to enjoy together. Austin and Wyatt were so excited and proud to be sharing this with their Grandpa.