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STAR Catholic wishes communities a blessed and happy Thanksgiving

STAR Catholic wishes communities a blessed and happy Thanksgiving

“O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever.” — 1 Chronicles 16:34
Raising awareness for breast cancer awareness month

Raising awareness for breast cancer awareness month

Breast cancer is an illness that has impacted many families including my own
Hackett: Support for Poilievre keeps growing

Hackett: Support for Poilievre keeps growing

I’ve been finding it difficult these days not to watch what Pierre Poilievre is doing and acknowledge the support he’s captured in our country.
OPINION: It’s time to shed light on the darkness

OPINION: It’s time to shed light on the darkness

World Suicide Prevention Day is Sept. 10
A new school year, many opportunities to give back

A new school year, many opportunities to give back

STAR Catholic trustee column
OPINION: It’s time to shed light on the darkness

OPINION: It’s time to shed light on the darkness

World Suicide Prevention Day is Sept. 10
HACKETT: Finding a little less screen time

HACKETT: Finding a little less screen time

There is a phenomenon I’ve been thinking about lately and feel totally powerless to tackle.
OPINION: Concentrating focus on a 3-foot world

OPINION: Concentrating focus on a 3-foot world

Ever since I saw the 1990 action-flick Navy SEALs starring Charlie Sheen and Michael Biehn as a kid, I’ve had an interest in the SEAL teams and the missions they undertake.
OPINION: Concentrating focus on a 3-foot world

OPINION: Concentrating focus on a 3-foot world

Ever since I saw the 1990 action-flick Navy SEALs starring Charlie Sheen and Michael Biehn as a kid, I’ve had an interest in the SEAL teams and the missions they undertake.
OPINION: Finding a change in mindset

OPINION: Finding a change in mindset

Over the last few years one of my main focuses, aside from mental health recovery, has been personal development.