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The joy of the Easter celebration must never change

I hope that your Easter holidays are going very well. Even though I wasn’t the recipient of any Easter eggs and treats this time around, I was able to sneak a nibble of our grandchildren’s stash.

Many great sports ending and beginning with the arrival of spring

Spring has finally sprung and the weather here in Alberta is absolutely gorgeous. In the Town of Ponoka most of the snow is gone and the grass is getting greener by the second.

Community strength an important part of Ponoka

Ponoka knocks my socks off every week. Seeing the town’s constant support of community events and non-profit organizations blows me away every time.

Now we can curl up with a great game

I have always been somewhat of a sports fanatic, lately becoming more of a spectator than a participant as I have been forced to mellow just a little.

Its time to carry on with those election promises

The signs are now down, and our March 3rd provincial election turned out to be a quick and very lively event that resulted in an extremely decisive result from a poor voter turnout.

An enlightening experience sparked by the Northern Lights

In Ontario, where I grew up, the most exciting things that you saw in the sky at night were airplanes, smoke stacks, tall buildings and a few stars.

Wealth is not all that is precious

Just like most of you, I really enjoy browsing through the old boxes full of memories and treasures of the past that we have all safely tucked away in our homes for many years.

Voters in Ponoka and Alberta fail to exercise their democratic right

Happy Wednesday after Election Day Ponoka! If you woke up this week and realized that the Conservatives were re-elected and you didn’t vote and are unhappy with this whose fault is that?

How about a clean-up campaign for all seasons?

Even though I don’t have to shovel snow or scrape frosty windows in the morning anymore, or even punch a time clock, I’m am still looking forward to yet another spring with great gusto.

Why can’t it be Valentines’ Day all year round?

Just for a little while let’s try and forget about the cold weather, the nine million dollar election campaign, income taxes, stock markets, and all the rest and turn our thoughts to love, old and new, as St. Valentine’s Day approaches.